Douglas Williams is a doctoral student in political science at Wayne State University in Detroit, where his research centers around public policy, disadvantaged communities and the labor movement. He blogs at The South Lawn.

Spare Us Your Technocratic Handwringing Over Single Payer: This is Life and Death
The battle for single payer in California is an opportunity to make historic investments in both healthcare and education. We can't pass it up.
Douglas Williams

This is Why Labor Should Care About Virginia’s Gubernatorial Primary
Douglas Williams

A Radical Plan For An Economy That Makes Black Lives Matter
Douglas Williams

The Progressive Case For Hillary Clinton Isn’t Much of a Case At All
A recent argument for Clinton from the left fails to convince.
Douglas Williams

Why Virginia’s Open Shop Referendum Should Matter to the Entire American Labor Movement in 2016
Douglas Williams

An Open Letter to Rep. John Lewis on My Grandmother and the Civil Rights Movement
The Civil Rights Movement was made up of people whose names never made it into the history books.
Douglas Williams

Are “Works Councils” Really Such a Good Idea for Workers and Unions?
Douglas Williams