Elizabeth Zach is the staff writer at the nonprofit Rural Community Assistance Corporation, where she covers rural poverty and economies, the environment, and tribal issues across the 13 states of the American West, including Alaska and Hawaii. In 2018, she reported on persistent poverty as a Marguerite Casey Foundation Equal Voices Journalism Fellow. In 2016, she was a fellow at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School of Journalism, writing on rural healthcare in California. In 2015, she was a media fellow at Stanford University’s Bill Lane Center for the American West, for which she researched and wrote about women farmers and ranchers.

Filing Your Taxes Is Already Difficult. The House Just Passed a Bill That Keeps It That Way Forever.
The new bill could keep H&R Block and Intuit’s profits high—while keeping your taxes complicated to file.
Elizabeth Zach

Emigrating From the U.S. May Be the Only Way To Afford Eldercare
A nursing home for my mother in Germany would cost less than half of what she pays in Sacramento.
Elizabeth Zach

Rural America
In the American West, Arbitrary Poverty Designations Are Shortchanging the Rural Poor
Elizabeth Zach

Rural America
More and More Women are Farm Operators: Who Are They?
Elizabeth Zach