Jessica Clark is a writer, editor and researcher, with more than 15 years of experience spanning commercial, educational, independent and public media production. Currently she is the Research Director for American University’s Center for Social Media. She also writes a monthly column for PBS’ MediaShift on new directions in public media. She is the author, with Tracy Van Slyke, of Beyond the Echo Chamber: Reshaping Politics Through Networked Progressive Media (2010, New Press).
A journalist and frequent media commentator, Clark is the former executive editor of In These Times, where she also served as the managing editor, associate publisher and assistant publisher. Her freelance articles have appeared in in such outlets as the San Francisco Chronicle, the American Prospect online, The Ottawa Citizen and South Africa’s Wireless. As Research Director for American University’s Center for Social Media, she directs the Future of Public Media project, conducts and commisions research,such as the influential 2009 report Public Media 2.0: Dynamic, Engaged Publics, and organizes events such as the Beyond Broadcast conference. She holds an MA in Social Sciences and a BA in English from the University of Chicago.

The New Cartographers
What does it mean to map everything all the time?
Jessica Clark

iPower to the People
The perils and promise of point-and-click politics
Jessica Clark
Blogs Up, Hacks Down
The appearance of seven Democratic presidential contenders at the YearlyKos convention demonstrated that the Kossacks and fellow A-listers--along with what the Liberal Blog Advertising Network calls their 3 million daily readers--are now ensconced as political players
Jessica Clark

Chasing the Green Pound in London
Forget "I am not a plastic bag" campaign, Spitalfield's Market is where to find London's genuine eco-friendly fashion
Jessica Clark

Boomsday: Bankrupt Satire
Jessica Clark

Bisexual Healing
Jessica Clark

The Skinny on Thin
Thin, a movie filmed at the Renfrew Center, follows four women in their battle with eating disorders.
Jessica Clark

Virginity or Death!: A Conversation With Katha Pollitt
Jessica Clark

YouTube in MeWorld
According to Anthropologist Thomas de Zengotita, Websites like MySpace and YouTube encourage socializing and self adolation.
Jessica Clark
I’ll show you hormonal…
Jessica Clark

In Politics, Comedy is Central
Comedy is a rising medium for political satire and critique.
Jessica Clark
Who needs Tivo? LinkTV coverage of YearlyKos
Jessica Clark
Live Blogging from Take Back America
Jessica Clark
Help us Mark Mission Unaccomplished Day
Jessica Clark
Calling all citizens
Jessica Clark
pick up that pen, grumpy…
Jessica Clark

Dear Postindustrial Capitalism
Jessica Clark
Donna Brazile: Embrace Feingold’s censure proposal
Jessica Clark
lawyers to the extreme
Jessica Clark
Dancing as fast as I can
Jessica Clark
key quotes from the videotape
Jessica Clark
Video proves that Bush knew Katrina risks
Jessica Clark
Protect online organizing: protest AOL e-mail tax
Jessica Clark
Eye on Russert
Jessica Clark
Politics: Who cares?
Jessica Clark
Attack of the academics!
Jessica Clark
Movements vs. campaigns
Jessica Clark
freakin’ assholes!
Jessica Clark
“The truth is permanent, and everything else falls by the wayside”
Jessica Clark
Here’s a theory: leave the scientists alone
Jessica Clark
MYOB, sez America
Jessica Clark
Jessica Clark
An MLK day thought from our circ director…
Jessica Clark
The Christians are creeping me out once again
Jessica Clark
Why I’m moving to Norway
Jessica Clark
A heck of a job
Jessica Clark
in case you were wondering…
Jessica Clark
For the discerning holiday shopper
Jessica Clark
ripped from the headlines
Jessica Clark

Jessica Clark
Happy Thanksgiving—now spit out that bird!
Jessica Clark
a light slowly dawns
Jessica Clark
Get thee behind me, God
Jessica Clark
Fun with semantics
Jessica Clark
Jessica Clark
Class of 2009
Jessica Clark
Reach out and touch someone
Jessica Clark
The first rule of FX…
Jessica Clark