Katie Rose Quandt is a Brooklyn-based reporter who writes about social justice, prisons and inequality. Her work has appeared in Slate, Mother Jones, BillMoyers.com and In These Times.

FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
The Supreme Court Said Their Sentencing Was Unconstitutional. But They’re Still Behind Bars.
Despite SCOTUS rulings against life without parole sentences for juveniles, most who received that sentence remain incarcerated.
Katie Rose Quandt

Out of Prison, Into Alt-Prison
The industry profiting from prison halfway houses.
Katie Rose Quandt

Cheerios Picket Line Averted: After Strike Threat, General Mills Workers Win Tentative Agreement
Katie Rose Quandt

How an Ex-Felon Voting Bloc Could Shape Baltimore’s Election
44,000 newly eligible voters can make a real difference
Katie Rose Quandt