Matt Stroud is a former Innocence Network investigator who now covers the U.S. legal system, in all its glory and ugliness, as a freelance journalist. Follow him on Twitter @ssttrroouudd. Email him at stroudjournalism<at>
‘An unprincipled fortress on a hill’: ACLU on why WWII internment camps are still relevant today
Matt Stroud
Study: DNA exonerations declined in 2013, while non-DNA exonerations rose sharply
Matt Stroud

‘Lives lived behind bars are too often invisible’: Pete Brook’s ‘Prison Photography’ on display
Matt Stroud
After protesting solitary confinement—from solitary confinement—prisoners back in court
Matt Stroud
Study funded by private prison dollars praises private prisons; no comment, says public university
Matt Stroud
Cost of prison phone calls is mercifully on the decline, but there a loophole—video calls
Matt Stroud
Decision to abandon private prison company a welcomed, ‘profound about-face’ from Idaho governor
Matt Stroud
New Wall Street ‘social-impact bond’ places bets on prisoner recidivism, job training
Matt Stroud
With a 47 year sentence for marijuana distribution, Weldon Angelos deserves a commutation
Matt Stroud

Just Kids
Could a recent Supreme Court decision give juvenile lifers a second chance?
Matt Stroud
30 years in ‘the hole’: Russell ‘Maroon’ Shoatz, 70, remains in solitary confinement despite pleas
Matt Stroud
Heat levels on Angola death row amount to ‘cruel and unusual punishment,’ judge rules
Matt Stroud
What Do TV and Movies Get Right and Wrong About Prisons? – Volume II, ‘The Great Hollywood Con
Matt Stroud
What Do TV and Movies Get Right and Wrong About Prisons?
Matt Stroud
Groups offer a solution for the high cost of private prison phone calls
Matt Stroud
In upcoming San Francisco jail sex-bias case, deputies argue men must help to guard womens’ jail
Matt Stroud
‘Finally out and among the living,’ Colo. prisoner re-emerges after 10 years in solitary
Matt Stroud
Ten years in, Prison Rape Elimination Act standards finally go into effect
Matt Stroud
Weekend read: G4S claims it’s ‘securing your world’—but does your world need securing by G4S?
Matt Stroud
A decent proposal: to reduce recidivism, more prisons should allow conjugal visits
Matt Stroud
Private prisons thrive despite repeated failures to justify a costly, dangerous industry
Matt Stroud
Controversy over U.S. lethal injections sparks interest in France’s last execution—in 1977
Matt Stroud
Did Private Prison Medics Let A Woman Die To Save Cash? Judge Rules Pa. Lawsuit Will Go Forward
Matt Stroud
Southern Discomfort: Notoriously Conservative Alabama Revises Harsh Sentencing; Florida Doubles Down
Matt Stroud
No Compensation: Wrongfully Convicted Man Can’t Sue Police Who Helped To Put Him Behind Bars
Matt Stroud
On Government Prison Contracts To Buy And Sell Human Beings: 2013 Edition
Matt Stroud
‘We cannot afford to stay on our current path’: Senate Begins Debate Over Mandatory Minimums
Matt Stroud
Idaho Judge Holds Private Prison Company CCA In Contempt For Deliberately Understaffing Prisons
Matt Stroud
‘Sham or mere pretext’: Kansas sex offenders locked up ‘till death, even without a life sentence
Matt Stroud
In Failed Extradition Attempt, A European Rebuke Of Solitary Confinement And U.S. ‘Supermax’ Prisons
Matt Stroud
One in 27 Texas Adults Ensnared By The State’s Justice System; Even Prison COs Are Crying Foul
Matt Stroud
UPDATED: Calif. Gov. Proposes Prison Expansion, Privatization To Avoid Prisoner Early Release
Matt Stroud

Introducing The Prison Complex: Your Source for Tracking the United States’ Incarceration Epidemic
Matt Stroud