Nick Engelfried is a writer, environmental educator, and activist. He currently lives in Washington State.

Rural America
The “Clean Energy” Industry Ravaging Natural Forests to Feed Power Generators
Claiming to be a climate solution, biomass companies want to expand wood pellet factories and export terminals to the West Coast.
Nick Engelfried

How Montana Youth Turned the Tables and Won an Unprecedented Climate Victory
For the first time in U.S. history, a judge ruled young people have the right to a livable climate.
Nick Engelfried

How Montanans Stopped the Largest New Coal Mine in North America
People power and civil disobedience helped stop the Otter Creek mine in a huge victory for environmentalists and Montana communities.
Nick Engelfried

The People’s Climate March: This Generation’s March on Washington?
The climate justice movement is preparing for what could be its biggest mobilization yet. The stakes couldn't be higher.
Nick Engelfried