Nuala Bishari is an award-winning freelance reporter based in San Francisco, where she covers politics, homelessness and public health.

Nina Turner Hopes to Move Ohio Left
The "daughter of Cleveland" and former Bernie Sanders surrogate is running for Congress on a platform that includes a $15 minimum wage, recurring stimulus checks and free public college.
Nuala Bishari

Left Grassroots Groups Helped Biden Win Georgia. Now They’re Organizing to Flip the Senate.
With hopes for a progressive agenda on the line, working class-led organizations are going all out to defeat the GOP in Georgia.
Nuala Bishari

The Socialists and Progressives Working Outside of the Biden Campaign to Oust Trump
These grassroots groups may be reaching people the Biden campaign isn’t.
Nuala Bishari

How Bernie’s Strategy of Building Relationships with Young People and Latinos Paid Off in California
Inside the campaign's California organizing strategy.
Nuala Bishari

Bernie’s Strategy To Win California—And Everywhere
Sanders is taking a risk no one has before: banking on new voters
Nuala Bishari

“Our Biggest Enemy Is PG&E”: Inside the Fight to Put Utilities Under Public Control
Evacuees of the Kincade Fire and members of the Democratic Socialists of America are demanding PG&E be dismantled.
Nuala Bishari