Rebecca Burns is an In These Times contributing editor and award-winning investigative reporter. Her work has appeared in Bloomberg, the Chicago Reader, ProPublica, The Intercept, and USA Today. Follow her on Twitter @rejburns.
Marriage Equality, DREAM Movements Win Big at the Ballot Box
Rebecca Burns

As Canadians Protest Tar Sands, Texas Tree Blockaders Get the Run-Around from TransCanada
Rebecca Burns

Food Movement, Meet Labor Movement
Rebecca Burns

In Person: Sister Activist
Simone Chapman leads Nuns on the Bus, who lobby for social and economic justice (and plague Paul Ryan).
Rebecca Burns

Race v. Class
What kind of affirmative action is worth fighting for?
Rebecca Burns

After Quebec Elections, Red Squares Rise Again
Rebecca Burns
Housing Activists Take Aim at Fannie and Freddie
Rebecca Burns

Charter Schools Stay Open During Strike, But Solidarity Lurks Inside
Rebecca Burns

Seven Arrested in Launch of Keystone Pipeline Blockade
Rebecca Burns

Tropical Storm Isaac Deepens Man-Made Housing Disaster in Haiti
Rebecca Burns

Suicide Is Anything but Painless
Military suicides rise amid limited mental and physical care for soldiers and veterans.
Rebecca Burns

Time for ‘Radical Environmentalism’
Rebecca Burns

Beyond Gay Marriage
Is the LGBT movement walking down the aisle to nowhere?
Rebecca Burns
Eminent Domain Plan Amounts to Another Fake Foreclosure Fix
Rebecca Burns
Occupy, Internet Freedom Groups Join Protests Against ‘NAFTA of the Pacific’
Rebecca Burns

Striking Back at Drone Attacks
Why has there been so little organized resistance to drone warfare?
Rebecca Burns

Anti-Foreclosure Movement Gains Steam With National Day of Action for MN Family
Rebecca Burns
How Climate Change Got Removed From the Agenda of the Rio+20 Summit
Rebecca Burns

Are Co-ops the Answer?
Around the world, people are democratizing the workplace.
Rebecca Burns

After the Killing
The uncertain legacy of Trayvon Martin.
Rebecca Burns

Veterans Return Medals, Protesters Face Violence During Mass March on NATO Summit
Rebecca Burns

As the G8 Opens at Camp David, Thousands Rally in Chicago for Tax on Wall Street
Rebecca Burns
May Day in Chicago: Live Updates
Rebecca Burns

Movement Building and ‘Summit Hopping’
Organizers debate the potential of mass demonstrations against NATO.
Rebecca Burns

No Vacancies: Squatters Move In
Growing movements on both sides of the Atlantic try to turn bank-owned houses into homes.
Rebecca Burns

Evicted from Tents, Occupy Moves Onto Sidewalks and Into Clinics
Rebecca Burns

Ahead of NATO Summit, Occupy Launches ‘Chicago Spring’
Rebecca Burns

‘Public Transportation Is a Human Right’: Demonstrators in 18 Cities Occupy Transit
Rebecca Burns
West Allis, Wisconsin Joins Call for Overturn of Citizens United
Rebecca Burns

Occupy SF Evicted From Vacant Building, but Members Say Occupations Will Spread
Rebecca Burns

How Green Is the Green Economy?
Four environmental organizers and researchers examine the 'green jobs' buzz.
Rebecca Burns

UK Commission on 2011 Riots Points to ‘Poor Parenting,’ Underplays Police Violence
Rebecca Burns

Mexican American Studies Suspension: A Teachable Moment in Tucson
Some educators and students refuse to accept a new curriculum ban in Arizona.
Rebecca Burns

Vermont Voters Endorse Challenge to Corporate Personhood
Rebecca Burns
Senate Defeats Rollback of Reproductive Rights
Rebecca Burns
WikiLeaks: New Document Release Targets ‘Shadow CIA’ Intel Firm
Rebecca Burns

Palestinian Detainee Khader Adnan Agrees to End Hunger Strike
Rebecca Burns

2014 World Cup Match: FIFA-1, Brazil-?
The wealthy international soccer organization forces tax and labor-law exemptions on the next host of the games.
Rebecca Burns

Fighting for Gender Equality in Iraq
Yanar Mohammed says the U.S. invasion and occupation hurt women's rights.
Rebecca Burns
Arizona State University Censoring Online Petition Site
Rebecca Burns

Organic Farmers Challenge Monsanto in Landmark Suit
Rebecca Burns

G-8/NATO: Ahead of Vote on Controversial Ordinances, Chicago Grants First Permits
Rebecca Burns

Haitians to U.N.: Please Leave
Amid allegations of serious abuses, a growing number of Haitians want peacekeeping forces out of their country.
Rebecca Burns

Car Wash Workers’ L.A. Victory Inspires Chicago Campaign
Rebecca Burns
The Daily Occupation: Do Demands for Free Speech Advance the Occupy Movement?
Rebecca Burns

Patents vs. Public Health
India's Supreme Court could determine the fate of the country's generic drug industry—and its sick poor.
Rebecca Burns
The Daily Occupation: High-Profile Speakers Must Follow Format
Rebecca Burns

Rick Perry’s Merck-y Motives
Rebecca Burns