Sara Peck, a spring 2010 In These Times editorial intern, is a Northwestern University student studying journalism and political science.

Certifying ‘Blood Chocolate’
Activists question the candy industry’s commitment to ending cocoa industry child labor.
Sara Peck

Bred to Death
The pursuit of purebred perfection threatens some of our best friends.
Sara Peck
What ‘Peak Water’ Means for Mankind
Sara Peck
Pop Stars Battle for Sexiest, Weirdest Video; Feminists Cringe
Sara Peck
‘Fair Trade’ Clothing to Hit the Shelves by Fall, as U.S. Certifier Expands Scope
Sara Peck
Chomsky Denied Entry to West Bank; Israeli Authorities Deny Involvement
Sara Peck
National People’s Action, Unions Stage ‘Showdown on K Street,’ Push Financial Reform
Sara Peck

An Assault on Academic Freedom?
Students say an evangelical university in Chicago showed a professor the door because of his views on Palestine and the Christian right.
Sara Peck
Welcome to, Where Liberals Are Ruining the World
Sara Peck
Charter Schools Not Escaping Education Crisis
Sara Peck
Federal Lawsuit Is Least of Goldman’s Problems!!! ;)
Sara Peck