Steve Weinberg is an investigative reporter in Columbia, Mo. His latest book is Taking on the Trust: The Epic Battle of Ida Tarbell and John D. Rockefeller.

The Bungled Hunt for 9/11’s Mastermind: KSM
It took Washington 10 years to capture Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed, who will soon be charged with murdering 2,976 people. A new book reveals his shadowy story.
Steve Weinberg

There Will Be Paranoia
As long as there are dispossessed white people, there will be conspiracies.
Steve Weinberg

Chronicles of Vonnegut
Two new books delve into the life and work of a man who couldn't silence his political conscience.
Steve Weinberg

Murdering the Messenger
Anna Politkovskaya's death raises an important question.
Steve Weinberg

Say Yes to Peer Pressure
Join the Club offers the 'social cure'
Steve Weinberg

Autopsy of an Auto Plant
The new book Punching Out is brilliant Detroit-style immersion journalism.
Steve Weinberg

Eight Myths of Justice
Innocent Americans are routinely convicted and incarcerated. The new book False Justice explains how.
Steve Weinberg

‘There is Power in a Union’
The past, present and future of America’s labor movement
Steve Weinberg

I.F. Stone: Iconic Muckracker
Myra MacPherson wrote a new book "All Governments Lie: The Life and Times of Rebel Journalist I.F. Stone.
Steve Weinberg

The Senselessness of Guantanamo
Steve Weinberg

Renovation as a Way of Life
Steve Weinberg