Black Lives Matter

The Best Way to Fight for the Public is in Public
Robin Wonsley Worlobah, Minneapolis' first Black democratic socialist City Councilmember, says she's not only fighting for better outcomes, but a more just system.
Robin Wonsley Worlobah

Meet the High School Students Who Organized Thousands to Walk Out for Amir Locke
Twin Cities teens demand a true ban on deadly "no-knock" warrants, a broken promise from Mayor Frey.
Paige Oamek and Maggie Duffy

What's Next for the Defund Movement?
Five police abolitionists from around the country—some of them newly elected to city councils—talk about lessons from 2021 and plans for 2022.
Kandace Montgomery, Robin Wonsley Worlobah, Andrew R. Hairston, Willie Burnley Jr. and Makia Green

Minneapolis Is About to Vote on Whether to Dismantle the Police
Will the city at the center of last summer's racial justice protests decide to remake public safety? We'll soon find out.
Logan Carroll

Occupy Wall Street Trained a Generation in Class War
How OWS shaped a decade of dramatic protests and why it has run its course.
Arun Gupta

Pedagogy of the Apocalypse
In a year filled with trauma, a university professor learns how to support her students.
Tatiana McInnis

The Movement to De-Cop the Campus
Students, educators and staff across the University of California system are organizing to abolish campus police.
Emily Rich

Black Teachers Defend Their Curriculum From Attacks on Critical Race Theory
With school boards becoming a battleground in the right-wing war on critical race theory, Milwaukee educators are standing up against racist censorship of American history.
Alice Herman

Democrats Will Never Stop Triangulating Against Justice
Running against "defund the police" is both cowardly and wrong. Democratic leaders find that irresistible.
Hamilton Nolan

The Meeting in 1998 That Kept Black Radicalism Alive
Two decades ago, the Black Radical Congress convened to reclaim revolution and denounce reformism.
In These Times Editors

Introducing the Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover
Lessons on building collective power.
Barbara Ransby, Chinyere Tutashinda, Karissa Lewis, M Adams and Shanelle Matthews

Cultural Organizing Gives Us a Roadmap to Liberation
Co-directors of SpiritHouse, a Black women-led tribe in Durham, discuss the "life-saving" rituals and practices of freedom that ground their work towards liberation.
Mya Hunter and “Mama Nia” Wilson

The Utopic, Love-Centered, “Liberation Oasis” on Chicago’s South Side
Damon Williams, a co-founder of the #LetUsBreathe Collective, talks radical space-building.
Bettina Johnson

No, Minneapolis Did Not Defund the Police. But We’re Not Done Trying.
We understand that abolition is the long game. We’re in it for as long as it takes.
Kandace Montgomery and Miski Noor

What Radical Black Women Can Teach Us All About Movement-Building
Three historians lift up Black women journalists, organizers and activists who were critical to Black freedom movements but often erased from history.
Keisha N. Blain, Premilla Nadasen and Robyn C. Spencer

Voter Suppression Is White Supremacy. It Must Be Stopped.
In recent years, down-ballot wins across the country have legalized marijuana, overturned Jim Crow-era election law, and hiked minimum wages. The GOP’s campaign to suppress the Black vote threatens wins like these.
Kayla Reed

The Future of the Movement for Black Lives
Urban rebellions blossomed into mass mobilization upon George Floyd's death. Now what?
M Adams

Letter From the Year 2071
A vision of where the Black freedom movement could take us.
Barbara Ransby