
An Interview with the 15-Year-Old Who is Suing Obama for Not Stopping Climate Change
Rural America In These Times

An International Farmers Alliance Links Climate Change to Industrial Agriculture
Rural America In These Times

How Wall Street Is Cashing In on Climate Catastrophe
Come hell or high water, the finance industry will make a killing
Kate Aronoff

TPP: A Sweetheart Deal for Corporations, a ‘Disaster’ for People’s Rights
The White House has finally released the text of the trade deal, and the reviews are scorching.
Deirdre Fulton

Margaret Atwood on Climate Change, Her New Book and Why Socialists Are Better with Budgets
We asked the speculative fiction writer about this month's Canadian elections and (relatedly?) whether humanity is doomed.
Jessica Stites

How the Government Fast-Tracked Shell’s Arctic Drilling
After Royal Dutch Shell's mishaps in the Arctic in 2012, the Obama administration indicated a major rethink of the approval process was in order—but instead, Shell got another rubber stamp.
Kamil Ahsan

Is Climate Change Causing Pre-traumatic Stress Disorder in Millennials?
Today's youth are coming of age in the age of extinction
Martin de Bourmont and Dayton Martindale