
How Some Small Farmers Are Resisting Monsanto—And Climate Change
Seed sharers are resisting the death of biodiversity at the hands of industrial agriculture and GMOs.
Petra Page-Mann

Harvard Feels the Heat on Fossil-Fuel Divestment
It's not Al Gore's movement anymore. Student activists are bringing a new militancy to the fight against climate change.
Kate Aronoff

For FERC’s Sake, Regulate
The most important government agency you’ve never heard of has never met a fracking lobbyist it didn’t like.
Justin Mikulka

The People’s Climate March Is Still Changing the Debate on Climate Change
Much has changed since hundreds of thousands of people marched through New York demanding climate action—and that's not a coincidence.
Robbie Lieberman

2015: The Year the Climate Justice Movement Gains the Upper Hand?
Despite the doom and gloom about our impending climate catastrophe, the past year actually saw some incredibly hopeful—and growing—climate activism.
Rebecca Solnit

The 14-Year-Old Voice of the Climate Change Generation
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez is calling on both the young and the old to save our planet.
Jordan McCurdy

Can Climate Change Unite the Left?
To avoid catastrophe, we must seize corporate polluters' wealth. And to do that, we must change everything.
Naomi Klein