Greg Shupak writes fiction, non-fiction and book reviews. His most recent book is The Wrong Story: Palestine, Israel, and The Media. He teaches Media Studies at the University of Guelph.

The Last Thing Libya Needs Is an Intensification of a U.S. Proxy War
We must stop our government from treating Libya like its own private battleground.
Gregory Shupak

Trump Is Not an Isolationist—Just Listen to His SOTU
Trump wants to expand U.S. dominance and empire—and he has little resistance in Congress.
Gregory Shupak

The Repression of BDS Shows How the American and Israeli Ruling Classes Are Deeply Enmeshed
The latest Senate effort to crack down on peaceful protest against the Israeli occupation stems from a long-standing special relationship.
Gregory Shupak

The Long History of America’s Violent Intervention in Afghanistan
The people of Afghanistan are paying a horrible price for the protracted U.S. occupation.
Gregory Shupak

The Paris Attacks Can’t Be Used To Limit Refugees or Blindly Bomb More Civilians
Our response to such unspeakable tragedies can't be to create even more tragedies in other countries.
Gregory Shupak

The Media’s Portrayal of the Iran Deal Implies U.S. Imperialism Is a Good Thing
U.S. media commentary on the accord portrays U.S. global military supremacy as natural and desirable.
Gregory Shupak

Christopher Hitchens Stands Trial
With great vim and gusto, a new book dissects the ever-controversial Christopher Hitchens.
Gregory Shupak