
War and Popcorn
Serious war films are going extinct as Hollywood cranks out childish fantasies about heroism and violence.
Michael Atkinson

A Civil Solution to Labor’s Problems
The key to reviving U.S. workers' fortunes may be as simple as amending the Civil Rights Act.
Louis Nayman

Will Sanity Prevail on CBS?
It’s style versus substance for morning news shows. Guess which one is winning.
Kenneth Rapoza

The Bungled Hunt for 9/11’s Mastermind: KSM
It took Washington 10 years to capture Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed, who will soon be charged with murdering 2,976 people. A new book reveals his shadowy story.
Steve Weinberg

Rubes’ Gold in Sacks
The very public resignation of a Goldman Sachs executive exposes what most already knew: The firm is morally bankrupt.
Chris Lehmann

Courage and Convictions
Would you actually risk your life for justice?
Jane Miller

Adam Curtis: Conspiracist of Long-Lost Facts
The BBC producer/director's brilliant oeuvre is nothing less than astonishing.
Michael Atkinson

The Never-Ending Crusade
No Americans were killed on U.S. soil by Islamic extremists in 2011. Why does Islamophobia persist?
Patrick Glennon

A Childhood Exorcised
Jeanette Winterson's adoptive mother was like no other.
Sanhita SinhaRoy

No Bark, Less Bite—That Dog Don’t Hunt
Are America's long-running culture wars drawing to a close?
Chris Lehmann

There Will Be Paranoia
As long as there are dispossessed white people, there will be conspiracies.
Steve Weinberg

The Second Coming of El Papa to Cuba
Pope Benedict XVI makes common cause with the Castro brothers.
Samuel Farber

W.W.I: The War That Begat Another
The Lost History of 1914 shows how that year began to sow the seeds of Nazism.
Eve Ottenberg

Lifting the Veil on Iranian Censors
With A Separation, Asghar Farhadi artfully subverts Iran's reactionary big-screen rules.
Michael Atkinson

A Hipstamatic Moment
Kodak is bankrupt. But we still crave the instant nostalgia that was once the company's hallmark.
Chris Lehmann

The Iron Lady’s Mad Shadow
Margaret Thatcher's gut instincts influenced the next generation of politicians, from Blair to Bush.
Jane Miller

A Puritan’s Dilemma
Religion, politics and the agony of David Foster Wallace.
Theo Anderson

When Less is More Political Engagement
The only good thing about our new age of austerity is how it inspires a new wave of activists.
Jane Miller