
Who's Afraid of Critical Race Theory?
Right-wing censorship efforts are reaching new heights with the push to erase any talk of racism from American classrooms.
In These Times Editors

Will Biden Make Good on Obama's Promise to Close Guantánamo?
Twelve years ago, one of our writers outlined what needs to happen to finally shut down Gitmo.
In These Times Editors

Guilty Until Proven Wealthy
America's cash bail system criminalizes poverty and exacerbates racial inequality. Illinois abolished it. Other states should, too.
In These Times Editors

The Labor Movement Has a Card to Play—And We Need to Play It
Card check, which makes forming a union faster and easier for workers, is the centerpiece of the PRO Act. It's an essential tool for the labor movement.
In These Times Editors

Devastation and Uprising: 2020 in 10 Numbers
The pandemic has disproportionately impacted communities of color and amplified wealth inequality. But Americans have also demonstrated their incredible resilience.
In These Times Editors

11 Statistics That Show Racism Is Entrenched in Our Healthcare System
Covid-19 is disproportionately harming Black Americans. This is not an exception, but the rule.
Dayton Martindale