
Mamiran Nessa, a Bengali Muslim woman, spent 10 years in detention after the Indian government refused her proof of long-standing citizenship. She now lives on a river island rapidly eroding because of climate change.
FeaturePalestineInvestigationGoodman Institute
Hindu Nationalists Are Taking Notes—and Tech Support—From the Israeli Right
The state of Assam has become a laboratory of ethnonationalism, with warning signs of genocide ahead.
Ankur Singh
Lawsuit: Alabama Is Denying Prisoners Parole to Lease Their Labor to Meatpackers, McDonalds
No parole if you’re still profitable.
Kim Kelly
FeatureElection 2024Cover Story
The War on Protest Is Here
Political repression is on the rise as the state finds new ways to criminalize dissent and collective action.
Adam Federman
Two Years In, These “Progressive” Companies Still Haven’t Negotiated First Union Contracts
The union wave at big U.S. retailers hasn’t yet resulted in first contracts for workers at Trader Joe’s, Starbucks and REI. But unions are proving their value in other ways.
Jeremy Gantz
Can Grocery Workers Take Back Their Union?
Faye Guenther’s multiyear plan to revolutionize the grocery workers union.
Hamilton Nolan
LaborFeatureEn Español
Una Semana Laboral De 32 Horas Es Nuestra Para Tomarla
La lucha por jornadas laborales más cortas puede unir a los trabajadores.
Sarah Jaffe
A 32-Hour Workweek Is Ours for the Taking
The fight for shorter hours can unify workers everywhere.
Sarah Jaffe
Unequal Before the Law
Native Americans serve astoundingly longer prison sentences—because they are Native.
Stephanie Woodard
El sistema de bienestar infantil pone a los niños en riesgo. ¿Es hora de abolirlo?
Durante décadas, los reformadores han intentado arreglar nuestro fallido sistema de servicios de protección infantil. ¿Abolirlo es una idea cuyo momento ha llegado?
Roxanna Asgarian
Public Ownership of Housing Could Be Closer Than You Think
Forget private developers—cities and states could just build their own housing to solve the crisis. In New York, now there’s a bill to do it.
Mindy Isser
Black background. The silhouette of a country is filled with black-and-white drawings of houses and buildings. In red, it reads "Palestine" in Arabic.
“From the River to the Sea”: Palestinians Resist Erasure
Why many insist on using the phrase.
Maha Nassar
Losers, Quitters and the Only One Who Wins
Did the Republican primaries even matter?
Garret Keizer
التحولات التي شهدها مجتمع المسلمين في الولايات المتحدة بعد 20 عامًا من التاسع من أيلول وكيفية تجليها بعد السابع من تشرين الأول
إيمان عبد الهادي
A woman wearing a keffiyeh as a hijab looks ahead.
How U.S. Muslims Have Transformed in the 20 Years Since 9/11—and What It Means in the Wake of 10/7
Eman Abdelhadi
A man wearing glasses stands in front of a table full of rifles. He is surrounded by men, including some police officers.
Every Jew a .22 and MZ-4: The Path from Kahane to Ben-Gvir
The rise of far-right extremism in Israel is a long time coming, and it has deep roots in settler violence against Palestinians.
Natasha Roth-Rowland
"If I Must Die," A Poem by Refaat Alareer
A poem written before the author's death in an airstrike by the Israeli military.
Refaat Alareer
FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
More Than a Year After Mississippi Forced Her To Give Birth, It Still Hasn’t Offered Any Extra Help
Since we first profiled her, Lationna has returned to work, her son Kingsley is crawling—and the family is still just treading water.
Bryce Covert
LaborFeatureThe Right-Wing Issue
The Fascist Movement’s Biggest Threat: Labor Unions?
An interview with Paul Ortiz on how unions have fought Gov. Ron Desantis’ reactionary rule—and unions as an anti-fascist force.
Bill Fletcher, Jr.
FeatureThe Right-Wing Issue
We’re in an Epidemic of Right-Wing Terror. Won’t Someone Tell the Press?
More than a decade of media malpractice enabled January 6. Has the media learned its lesson?
Rick Perlstein
FeatureThe Right-Wing Issue
Losing the Plot: The “Leftists” Who Turn Right
What do we make of former friends who fell down the rabbit hole of the Right?
Kathryn Joyce and Jeff Sharlet
FeatureCover StoryThe Right-Wing Issue
The Right is Prepared For This Moment. Are We?
A conversation between Jamelle Bouie, Alex Han, Nancy MacLean, Tarso Luís Ramos and Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò on the Left’s role in fighting the Right.
Jamelle Bouie, Alex Han, Nancy MacLean, Tarso Luís Ramos and Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
Inside AIPAC’s Strategy to Back Israel’s Cheerleaders and Punish the Squad
The powerful lobby and allied groups have poured money into defeating candidates who voice any criticism of Israel. Amid calls for a cease-fire in Israel’s war on Gaza, they’re back at it again.
Naomi LaChance
FeatureEn Español
Los Golpes De Calor Están Matando a Los Trabajadores. ¿Por Qué Es Tan Difícil Protegerlos?
No existe un estándar federal de calor, y los cabilderos, intereses corporativos, y aquellos con agendas ferozmente anti-regulatorias han sido vocales para mantenerlo así.
Maurizio Guerrero
Workers Are Dying From the Heat: Why Is It so Hard to Protect Them?
No federal heat standard exists and lobbyists, corporate interests and those with fiercely anti-regulatory agendas have been vocal and active in keeping it that way.
Maurizio Guerrero
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