
Democrats Hold Trifecta Power in Over a Dozen States. Will They Actually Use It?
Republicans have used legislative majorities at the state level to undermine their opposition, but the Democratic Party has often failed to fight back. This is a chance to change that.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
How Private Equity Gave Rise to a New Power Elite
The dominance of predatory financial firms has allowed a class of super-rich investors to exert vast control over our economic and political lives.
Heather Gautney
As Afghans Suffer, U.S. Stalls on Plan to Return Central Bank Funds
In September, the U.S. created a foundation that was supposed to unfreeze Afghanistan's foreign assets. Yet, interviews with trustees reveal that, in three months, no funds have been disbursed—or concrete plans made—to help the Afghan people.
Sarah Lazare
FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
The City That Kicked Cops Out of Schools and Tried Restorative Practices Instead
Here’s what happens when a school rethinks punishment.
Andy Kopsa
A relative of a victim cries during the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of a massacre in El Mozote.
Remember El Mozote
On December 11, 1981, El Salvador’s US-backed soldiers carried out one of the worst massacres in the history of the Americas at El Mozote.
Micah Uetricht and Branko Marcetic
FeatureCover StoryRural America
The Rural Vote Is Again in Play
The midterms showed that rural voters must be an integral part of the Democratic strategy if they want to win in 2024.
George Goehl
FeatureCover Story
Don’t Look Now But Progressives Are About to Expand Their Ranks in Congress
A lot is uncertain about the midterms, but there's one thing we do know—the House will have the largest left cohort in decades.
Branko Marcetic
Amy’s Kitchen Workers Protested Their Working Conditions. Then They All Lost Their Jobs.
“They treat you like you’re nothing. Like cockroaches.”
Emily Janakiram
The App ICE Forces You To Download
Under Biden, monitoring of immigrants by cell phone has jumped 808%.
Maurizio Guerrero
FeatureCover Story
A Left Answer to Inflation
It is time to forsake the Chicago school of economics.
Hadas Thier
Mikhail Gorbachev’s Late Career as a New Age Toastmaster
The former Soviet leader clung to a vision of globalization that let corporate power run amok.
G. Pascal Zachary
FeatureCover StoryClimate
How Far Would You Go to Stop Climate Change?
A landmark legal victory opens the door to direct action.
Jack McCordick
What Soaring Rent Prices Mean for Florida's Working Class
One St. Petersburg woman's struggle to survive the crushing weight of housing inequality.
McKenna Schueler
Lockheed Martin Day
FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
Inside Lockheed Martin’s Sweeping Recruitment on College Campuses
The engineering degree to defense industry pipeline.
Indigo Olivier
Mothers of the Movement Fight to Abolish the Death Penalty in Illinois
There was a saying among the mothers: “We’re there for every mother’s son.”
Alice Kim
The Right Wing Is Going All Out to Unravel Our Democracy
Republicans and the Supreme Court are peeling away voting rights and undermining representative government. Grassroots organizing is the only way to preserve U.S. democracy.
Adam Eichen
Raising a $1-a-Day Wage Seems Like a No-Brainer. Not to Congress.
Private prisons for immigrants rake in millions a year by paying pennies an hour.
Thomas Ferraro
"Revolutionary Suicide": On the Horrors of Jonestown
"Dad—I see no way out—I agree with your decision—I fear only that without you the world may not make it to Communism." An excerpt from a letter found on the body of Jim Jones.
David Moberg
The Remarkable and Entirely Underappreciated Achievements of the EPA
The Supreme Court is gutting an agency that has a measurable history of saving lives.
Branko Marcetic
Did This Supreme Court Just Issue a Progressive Ruling on Immigration? Sort Of.
The MPP ruling will bring immediate relief for migrants stuck in Mexico, but doesn't signal anything humane about the court.
Adrian Rennix
Could Colombia Show Us a Way Out of Our Political Nightmare?
The recent election in Colombia has produced new hope for the country—and for the whole region.
John Feffer
New York Progressives and Socialists Are Hoping to Turn Legislative Setbacks Into Electoral Electricity
After key bills on climate and housing stalled in the legislature, left-wing organizers are working to topple Democratic incumbents and build a united front in Albany.
Karma Samtani
The Spectacular Failure of the WTO To Fight Covid
The global body has proven itself unwilling to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry. Here's what it means for the next crisis.
Sarah Lazare
Bill Clinton Did More to Sell Neoliberalism than Milton Friedman
A brief history of how the Democratic Party's turn to market capitalism wrecked everything.
Lily Geismer
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