Seattle Vote on “Social Housing” Could Break the Stranglehold of Private Landlords
Real estate and business interests are spending big against a February referendum to fund housing as a public good.
Rebecca Burns
![In one photo, a person holds a giant yellow sign "Proud Member of Quality Hill Tenants Union." In the other, a woman in a Joan Jett shirt stands defiantly in front of an elevator.](https://imgproxy.gridwork.co/fPBjMpDAJsoR2_JKbl1v40RlEqnrBFbcPByLrXAcFhA/w:256/h:171/rt:fill/g:fp:0.5:0.5/q:70/el:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy51cy1lYXN0LTEuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9pbi10aGVzZS10aW1lcy9JVFR3LjkyNzI0LmpwZw.jpg)
Hundreds of Kansas City Tenants Will Strike to Demand Repairs, Rent Caps
Tenants voted to withhold rent on October 1 in a rent strike that could catch fire nationwide.
Rebecca Burns
Inside the Right’s War on the Homeless
How one Trumpist tech mogul pushed a crackdown on the unhoused all the way to the Supreme Court.
Rebecca Burns
![A masculine figure in a baseball cap stands with his back to the camera. His bright yellow shirt reads "Safe accessible truly affordable homes -- KC Tenants Union". Divers figures in yellow shirts stand int he background.](https://imgproxy.gridwork.co/mNqUHYUPgZJQJqjm54vjK9hwisjo9EY-l0I2oAAShSI/w:256/h:171/rt:fill/g:fp:0.5:0.5/q:70/el:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy51cy1lYXN0LTEuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9pbi10aGVzZS10aW1lcy9LQy1UZW5hbnRzLVVuaW9uLmpwZw.jpg)
A National Tenants Union Has Arrived
Local tenants unions are officially teaming up, to the terror of big landlords.
Rebecca Burns