Inside ITT

Workers Resist Pandemic-Era Disaster Capitalism in Ecuador
The Ecuador government took advantage of the pandemic to slash workers’ rights.
Kimberley Brown
Google Workers Say the Endless Wait to Unionize Big Tech Is Over
"You have a union when you say you have a union."
Hamilton Nolan
ViewpointRural America
2020 Was The Year the Mask Came Off
We learned some things this past year that we shouldn’t forget. Here’s a roundup of stories from Rural America In These Times that bear re-reading.
Joseph Bullington
Rural America
“This Is Why We Don’t Drink the Water”
Fracking threatens drinking water on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota. Meet the locals who are fighting back.
Elena Bruess
For the First Time, the Progressive Caucus Will Have Real Power
New rules will help Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) turn the caucus into a force to be reckoned with.
Joel Bleifuss
The Union Members Who Voted for Trump Have to Be Organized—Not Ignored
Unions should be holding more political discussions with their members—and listening closely to their needs.
Mindy Isser
$600 Isn't Nearly Enough—We Need Real Relief
The bipartisan stimulus bill fails to meet the needs of working people. Congress must pass a package that makes us whole.
Maurice BP-Weeks and Lauren Jacobs
Starbucks map
How the U.S. Is Quietly Undermining Colombia's Fragile Peace Process
Through its reckless war on drugs, the U.S. is escalating tension and violence.
Cruz Bonlarron Martínez and Evan King
Why Workers Fought and Died for Union Hiring Halls
Part II of a conversation with Tacoma longshore workers Zack Pattin and Brian "Skiff" Skiffington.
Maximillian Alvarez
Rural America
Our Food System Is Broken and Biden’s USDA Pick Won’t Fix It
Tom Vilsack showed his pro-corporate colors when he served as Obama's ag secretary. To build a just food system under his leadership, we will have to push from below.
Jim Goodman
The Year That Labor Hung On By Its Fingertips
Disasters, missed opportunities, and a few bright spots in 2020.
Hamilton Nolan
The Stunning Workers' Victory in New Mexico That You Haven't Heard About
New Mexico made it way easier for workers to form a union. Here's what it means.
C.M. Lewis
Left Grassroots Groups Helped Biden Win Georgia. Now They’re Organizing to Flip the Senate.
With hopes for a progressive agenda on the line, working class-led organizations are going all out to defeat the GOP in Georgia.
Nuala Bishari
The Case Against Industrial Animal Agriculture in 10 Statistics
The pandemic has slowed the growth of meat consumption around the world. Scientists argue we need to keep that trend going.
Dayton Martindale
2020 Exposed the Myth of American “Security”
The “security state” not only failed to keep us safe, but worsened the coronavirus pandemic and unleashed violence on the people hardest hit.
Sarah Lazare
The Numbers Show Covid Is a Mental Health Crisis
The U.S. mental health system was already in tatters. Then came the pandemic.
Hannah Faris
Rural America
There Are Only 300 Wolverines Left in the Lower 48. Why Won’t the Government Protect Them?
The Fish and Wildlife Service downplayed the threat of climate change and deferred to industry groups in a recent decision not to protect wolverines under the Endangered Species Act, according to two lawsuits.
Johnathan Hettinger
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