
A large group of Amazon workers rally in front of Amazon's headquarters in Seattle on May 31, 2023, citing the company's changes to its climate policy, layoffs, and a return-to-office mandate. Some people hold what appear to be cardboard globes. Others hold picket signs.
2023 Was the Year of the Strike. What Can We Expect in 2024?
500,000 workers went out on strike in 2023. That's twice as many as the year before.
Jenny Brown
Shawn Fain stand behind a podium and microphones. He is wearing a blue UAW quarter-zip over a white collared shirt. Around him are Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.
LaborIsrael & Palestine
Shawn Fain: “We Cannot Bomb Our Way to Peace.”
At a press conference in D.C. on December 14, UAW president Shawn Fain called for a cease-fire, alongside Democratic lawmakers and other labor leaders.
Shawn Fain
Inside NYC Home Care Workers’ Fight to End 24-Hour Work Shifts
Thousands of home care workers in New York City complete 24-hour shifts and suffer from chronic illness after years of overwork and sleep deprivation.
Xuandi Wang
Union members picket outside of Columbia College. Signs read, "Columbia Faculty On Strike for a Fair Contract.".
After 49 Days, the Longest Adjunct Strike in U.S. History Comes to a Close
“They’re not just treating us as discardable anymore.”
Jeff Schuhrke
Ten Predictions for Labor in 2024
Our crystal ball shows splintering coalitions, the rise of a new vanguard, and more.
Hamilton Nolan
Conserjes de oficinas y comercios, junto con otros miembros del Local 26 de SEIU, marcharon por un contrato sindical justo el 7 de diciembre en Minneapolis.
LaborEn Español
Los Trabajadores De Limpieza Asean Los Establecimientos Después De Las Compras Navideñas, Pero Ellos No Pueden Festejar Con Sus Familias.
“En mi cultura, Nochebuena es nuestro día para festejar … y yo me voy al trabajo como si fuera un día normal. Es duro para los niños.”
Sarah Lazare
LaborFeatureThe Right-Wing Issue
The Fascist Movement’s Biggest Threat: Labor Unions?
An interview with Paul Ortiz on how unions have fought Gov. Ron Desantis’ reactionary rule—and unions as an anti-fascist force.
Bill Fletcher, Jr.
A worker holds a sign reading: We're on ULP strike!
Starbucks' Offer to Resume Contract Talks Comes with Some Serious Fine Print
Starbucks says it wants to bargain. Its behavior suggests otherwise.
Steven Greenhouse
They Clean After Holiday Shoppers. But They Don't Get to Celebrate with Their Families.
“In my culture, Christmas Eve is our day to celebrate. ... And I’m going to work like it’s a regular day. It’s hard on the kids.”
Sarah Lazare
LaborIsrael & Palestine
UAW Endorses Cease-Fire, the Largest U.S. Union to Call for an Immediate End to the Violence
The announcement at a news conference where protesters have been on a hunger strike outside of the White House marks a major development for labor and the larger call for a cease-fire.
Mindy Isser
The UAW Just Challenged the Entire Labor Movement to Get More Ambitious
The United Auto Workers announced a new campaign to organize 150,000 new members at non-union shops. Every other major union should follow suit.
Hamilton Nolan
The UAW Strike Points the Way To a Different Vision of Economic Life
From its novel strategy to unprecedented contract wins, the United Auto Workers strike made history. The walkout suggests a broader revival of class struggle and workplace democracy.
Nick French
LaborIsrael & Palestine
The Labor Movement's History of Backing Israel—and the Changing Climate Amid the War on Gaza
The U.S. labor movement has a decades-long history of supporting Israel wholeheartedly, punctuated by moments of pro-Palestine actions by rank-and-file activists. As Israel wages its war on Gaza, those pro-Palestine moments are becoming increasingly common.
Jeff Schuhrke
LaborIsrael & PalestineInterviewPodcast
The New York Supreme Court Just Blocked a Union From Voting on a Pro-Palestine Resolution
In a seemingly unprecedented move, the NY Supreme Court just granted a temporary restraining order preventing members of the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys – UAW Local 2325 from even voting on a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Maximillian Alvarez
UAW Members Ratify Deal with the Big Three
We spoke with autoworkers across the Big Three about how they planned to vote.
Mindy Isser
UPS and Autoworkers Are Inspiring a Wave of Worker Militancy. Who’s Next?
The UAW reached tentative agreements with each of Detroit's Big Three automakers. Workers around the country are watching.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
LaborIsrael & PalestineInterviewPodcast
"I Want American Workers to Be United to Make the Occupation Costly, to Make the Israeli Apartheid Costly."
Palestinian activist Issa Amro calls on U.S. workers to fight for for justice and an end to the occupation.
Maximillian Alvarez
A General Strike in 2028 Is a Uniquely Plausible Dream
The UAW's call for unions to align their contract expirations is legitimately achievable. But the work starts now.
Hamilton Nolan
LaborIsrael & Palestine
The Next Target for Protests Against Israel: Ports
Hundreds of protesters took action at ports in Oakland and Tacoma to try and stop the Cape Orlando's progress. Meanwhile, dockworkers in Barcelona called for a cease-fire and announced they would not work on ships carrying weapons.
Kim Kelly
LaborIsrael & Palestine
The AFL-CIO Squashed a Council's Cease-Fire Resolution. What Does It Say About Labor Right Now?
The move illustrates larger dynamics currently at play within the U.S. labor movement as the assault on Gaza rages on. While some unions and labor activists are advocating for an immediate end to the onslaught, most officials are keeping quiet.
Jeff Schuhrke
“What Could We Win Together?” Labor in Minnesota Gears up for a Major Escalation
With a string of contracts expiring in the new year, Minnesota unions and community groups are gathering to unite around a strategy for a cleaner environment and better jobs, housing and schools.
Isabela Escalona and Amie Stager
The UAW Has Now Reached a Tentative Agreement With Each of the Big Three
The deal with General Motors, the last of the major U.S. automakers to settle, could put an end to the union's historic Stand-Up Strike. But now it's up to the members.
Jake Johnson
“It Kind of Feels Like Prison”: Injured, Burned Out and Under Surveillance at Amazon
More than 40% of Amazon workers get injured on the job, according to a new report. The company says they are “industrial athletes.”
Katrina Pham
Here’s What UAW Workers Won in a “Historic” TA After Striking at Ford
After more than a month on the picket line, autoworkers have reached a tentative agreement with Ford including massive wage increases, cost of living adjustments and the right to strike over plant closures. Now the deal goes to the membership, while strikes continue at GM and Stellantis.
Jeff Schuhrke
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