
The Era of Abundant Labor Reporting Is Coming to an End
Either the labor movement will support journalism, or the good times are finished.
Hamilton Nolan

The Most Important Labor Story Right Now Is in Minnesota—It Might Be the Model We All Need
A strategic alignment of major networks of unions and community groups in Minnesota have worked together for more than a decade to leverage their collective power.
Sarah Jaffe

As Norfolk Southern Reports Billions in Earnings, East Palestine Residents Wait for Justice
One year after the Norfolk Southern derailment, families are still struggling to relocate, find work, and access medical care.
Maximillian Alvarez

A First Contract Is Finally in Sight for Unionized Starbucks Workers
After a grueling campaign, Starbucks Workers United and the company announced a major breakthrough this week that’s being hailed as “a very, very big deal.”
Saurav Sarkar

How Workers Brought Starbucks to the Bargaining Table
This week, Starbucks and Workers United announced that they’d reached “a constructive path forward” on the future of organizing and collective bargaining at the company.
Natascha Elena Uhlmann

How Kaiser Workers Won
Over 75,000 Kaiser Permanente workers walked out on a three-day strike, marking the largest healthcare strike in U.S. history.
Maximillian Alvarez

A Major Seattle Sandwich Chain Fired a Union Organizer, Sparking Backlash—and Change
Workers at Homegrown voted overwhelmingly to unionize with UNITE HERE in late 2022. They’ve been fighting for a contract ever since.
Maximillian Alvarez

Can Worker Co-ops Bring an End to Crappy Jobs?
“Co-ops create greater wealth in their communities. People keep that money in their communities.”
Maximillian Alvarez

Starbucks Just Saw the Largest Single-Day Union Drive in the Company's History
Workers at 21 Starbucks stores across 14 states filed for union elections Tuesday—a landmark in the unionization campaign.
Brett Wilkins

Immigrants Aren’t “Taking Our Jobs”
Right-wing forces are claiming immigrants are hurting U.S.-born workers. They're wrong—here are six facts to set the record straight.
Daniel Costa and Heidi Shierholz

Forget Elections. Build Your Union.
Political power comes from labor power. Not vice versa.
Hamilton Nolan

The War on Gaza Is a Labor Issue
Workers in the U.S. can't look away from Israel's assault on Gaza—our labor is helping fuel the war machine.
Paul Stauffer

Donald Trump Wants to Poison the Soul of the Labor Movement
Trump is trying to court union members by saying he's a "friend" to labor—but he's actually a billionaire scab out to strip workers of their rights.
Jeff Schuhrke

Hyundai Workers in the South Are the Latest to Join UAW’s Sweeping Union Drive
Following record contract wins at the Big Three, the United Auto Workers is spearheading an ambitious organizing campaign that’s spreading across the U.S. South.
Luis Feliz Leon

The UAW Strike Saved Their Shuttered Plant, But the Fight Is Just Beginning
The revival of the Stellantis plant is a stunning reversal of fortunes for Belvidere, Ill. But workers say they won’t rest until they see the concrete being poured.
Sarah Lazare

The UAW Has Now Endorsed a Cease-Fire in Gaza and President Biden for 2024
Last month, the United Auto Workers backed an end to the violence in Gaza. Today, the union threw its support behind Biden—who has been a strong backer of Israel’s war—in his likely rematch with Republican Donald Trump.
Ivonne Ortiz

The Real A.I. Fight Is About Who Gets the Gains
It's not labor against technology. It's shared progress versus inequality.
Hamilton Nolan

This Emerging Green Technology Could Decarbonize Buildings and Provide Good Union Jobs
In New York and states across the country, thermal energy networks are helping unite the climate and labor movements while hastening a just transition away from fossil fuels.
Sara Van Horn

Union Reformers Made Labor History in 2023. They're Just Getting Started.
A resurgence of labor militancy at UPS and the Big Three led to some of the best contracts in decades—but workers have even bigger ambitions for the year ahead.
Barry Eidlin

2023 Was the Year of the Strike. What Can We Expect in 2024?
500,000 workers went out on strike in 2023. That's twice as many as the year before.
Jenny Brown

Shawn Fain: “We Cannot Bomb Our Way to Peace.”
At a press conference in D.C. on December 14, UAW president Shawn Fain called for a cease-fire, alongside Democratic lawmakers and other labor leaders.
Shawn Fain

Inside NYC Home Care Workers’ Fight to End 24-Hour Work Shifts
Thousands of home care workers in New York City complete 24-hour shifts and suffer from chronic illness after years of overwork and sleep deprivation.
Xuandi Wang

After 49 Days, the Longest Adjunct Strike in U.S. History Comes to a Close
“They’re not just treating us as discardable anymore.”
Jeff Schuhrke

Ten Predictions for Labor in 2024
Our crystal ball shows splintering coalitions, the rise of a new vanguard, and more.
Hamilton Nolan