
How to Win Medicare for All Under President Biden
With a Democratic White House and Congress, we have an opportunity to organize like never before to finally achieve a universal, single-payer healthcare system. Let’s seize it.
Michael Lighty

The Labor Movement Has a Game Plan for the Biden Era
This time, unions intend to get something done.
Jeff Schuhrke

We Don't Need to Do This To Ourselves
Turning the nation's capital into an armed camp for Biden's inauguration to prove we don't live in fear.
Hamilton Nolan

Immigration Activists Prepare to Fight a "Timid" Biden After He Walks Back Key Promise
Waiting for a bill won't cut it, activists say—Biden could halt the cruel detention and deportation machine tomorrow.
Maurizio Guerrero

How Media Consolidation Paved the Way for Right-Wing Insurrection
A battle playing out at the Supreme Court could make media monopolies way worse.
Hannah Sassaman

Armies of the Right
We all know who the real thieves of the election are.
Joel Bleifuss

How Chicago Teachers Are Resisting the City's Dangerous School Reopenings
A conversation with special-ed teachers about what's at stake, and the retaliation teachers are facing for speaking out.
Maximillian Alvarez

Biden, Don't Worry About "Overheating" the Economy
Common metrics that deficit hawks often point to as evidence of economic overheating are not convincing.
Josh Bivens

Let's Not Become a Bunch of Panicky Reactionaries
The lesson of the Capitol riots is to change the power structure, not to embrace it
Hamilton Nolan

Rural America
Is the Walmart Family Capturing the Colorado River?
The Walton Family Foundation has been pouring millions into nonprofit groups concerned with the Colorado River — including media outlets that cover the issue.
Dave Marston

$2,000 Checks Now—And Make Them Monthly
The Democrats’ victory in Georgia was a vote for cash assistance. Prioritizing direct monthly payments isn’t just good policy—it’s good politics.
Sean Kline and Jim Pugh

We Should Cause Trouble, Not Make Nice With Biden
History suggests that it’s not making friends, but making the administration’s life difficult, that gets results for the Left.
Branko Marcetic

Illinois Just Ended Cash Bail. Here's How Organizers Made It Happen.
Illinois is the first state in the country to completely end the use of money bond.
Alice Herman

The Animal Legal Defense Fund Is Busting Its Union With a Smile
A nonstop anti-union campaign comes with assurances that management is "really progressive"
Hamilton Nolan

Biden Must Reject Trump’s “Vaccine Apartheid” Policy at the WTO
The president-elect pledged to combat racism. But he’s been mum about an urgent racial injustice taking place on a global scale.
Sarah Lazare

The Actions of the (Well-Funded) Capitol Police Show Why We Need to Defund the Police
On January 6, police showed us exactly who they "serve and protect."
D.A. Bullock

Public Wailing as Political Dissent
Both personal and political, wailing disrupts the social order.
Renee Simms

Congress Now Has More Socialists Than Ever Before in U.S. History
The high-water mark for socialists elected to national office is in step with a proud tradition in American politics.
Maurice Isserman