
How a News Voucher System Could Revitalize American Journalism
We can rebuild the local journalism industry by having the government give people the means to pay for news.
Mark Histed
Sanitation Strike Not a Waste
A sanitation workers strike ended in defeat, but it was a good fight garnering national support.
Hamilton Nolan
Rural America
“Strange Paradox:” Rural Towns Surrounded By Farmland Are Losing Food Access
In many rural areas, dollar stores are replacing grocery stores. An Illinois town responded by opening a community-owned market.
Amanda Pérez Pintado
Sanitation Workers Win Raise After Going on Strike—With Community Support
"This contract isn’t everything we believe we deserve, but it’s enough to go back to work and go back to taking care of our communities.”
James Stout
How Privatization Fuels Catastrophic Climate Change
Privatization deals in the realm of climate hand over decision-making from the public to private profiteers. That's an untenable situation.
Donald Cohen and Allen Mikaelian
Youth to Biden: Drop Debt
Democrats may be doomed in the midterms without student debt cancellation.
Paige Oamek
Meet the High School Students Who Organized Thousands to Walk Out for Amir Locke
Twin Cities teens demand a true ban on deadly "no-knock" warrants, a broken promise from Mayor Frey.
Paige Oamek and Maggie Duffy
The Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn't Create Nearly as Many Jobs as it Says It Does
The industry is wildly fudging the numbers to make itself look like a major job creator. We shouldn’t be fooled.
Wenonah Hauter
Joseph Stiglitz: The Wrong Way to Respond to Inflation? Panicking.
The data show there's no reason to react rashly with large across-the-board interest-rate hikes. Instead we should pursue policies that tax the rich and benefit working people.
Joseph Stiglitz
ViewpointRural America
The U.S. Dairy System Is in Crisis and Exporting More Milk to Canada Won’t Fix It
U.S. farm policies are bad for dairy farmers, cows, customers and the climate. We shouldn’t try to defeat Canada’s dairy system—we should learn from it.
Niaz Dorry
Biden's Plan to Permanently Seize Afghan Assets Set to Cause Untold Suffering
"I can't think of a worse betrayal of the people of Afghanistan than to freeze their assets and give it to 9/11 families," said one person whose brother was killed on Sept. 11, 2001.
Jon Queally
1 in 4 Temp Workers Reports Wage Theft, New Survey Finds
In an industry plagued with poverty pay, job insecurity and deceptive recruitment practices, temp workers have scant protections.
Amy Qin
What Moderna Reveals About the Cruel Absurdity of "Innovation" Under Pharmaceutical Monopolies
South African scientists spent 8 months reinventing the wheel while Moderna withheld patent information.
Sarah Lazare
U.S. Militarism Is a Cause of Tension in Eastern Europe, Not a Solution
The United States backing Ukraine raises tension with Russia and is another move to feed into the military-industrial complex.
Khury Petersen-Smith
How Targeting Programs to Poor People Leaves Out Poor People
Some centrist Democrats are pushing to make the expanded Child Tax Credit means-tested. In practice, that often means restricting benefits for the very people who need it most.
Jim Pugh
Rural America
The Gentrification of the Rural West
What happens to a working-class town when developers put a resort where the sawmill used to be?
Ryanne Pilgeram
A Landmark Bill Would Outlaw Bosses Cutting off Healthcare to Striking Workers
Employers regularly eliminate healthcare benefits as a strike-breaking tactic. A bill just introduced in Congress seeks to finally end this practice.
Indigo Olivier
The Supreme Court Has Long Been Anti-Worker. This Is Biden’s Chance to Change That. 
To fulfill his promise of being a “pro-union president,” Biden should choose a justice who has shown a commitment to defending workers’ rights.
Moshe Z. Marvit
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