Debt Is Usually Treated As A Personal Failure. Debtors' Unions Are Changing That.
With nearly three out of four households carrying some kind of debt, debtors' unions are reframing indebtedness as a shared problem and a source of collective power.
In These Times Editors
Workers of Color at Major Electric Bus Company Allege Widespread Racism on the Job
Employees of New Flyer in California and Alabama say they have faced years of discrimination.
Hamilton Nolan
How Domestic Elites and Foreign Meddling Undermine Haitian Democracy
To understand the rise and fall of Jovenel Moïse, we must understand the forces that propped him up.
Sophonie Milande Joseph and François Pierre-Louis
In the Coal Mines, Workers Are Dying to Make a Living
Mining companies increasingly rely on cheaper contractors who face longer hours and higher risk of accidents.
Kari Lydersen
When the Plant Closed, These Workers Were Left Behind
The shuttering of the Mylan pharmaceutical plant in Morgantown, West Virginia left more than 1,400 people out of work.
Maximillian Alvarez
Donald Trump Is Personally Responsible for Hundreds of Thousands of COVID Deaths
An honest look at what a single lunatic has caused.
Hamilton Nolan
"One Day Longer": A Miners' Strike Fed By Solidarity
Meet the coal miners who have been on strike for more than five months.
Maximillian Alvarez
We Can’t Let the Generals Who Lied About the Afghanistan War Define Its Legacy
The U.S. architects of the ruinous war are getting the last word on its “lessons.”
Sarah Lazare
Under Biden, Migrants Continue Fighting for the Right to Return to the U.S.
As family separations continue under the Biden administration, unjustly deported migrants are fighting to be reunited with their families.
Paco Alvarez
The Indy Journalists Who Covered a Massive Coal Miner Strike That Corporate Media Ignored
A conversation with the grassroots journalists who have consistently covered the strike.
Maximillian Alvarez
By Taxing the Pandemic Profits of Billionaires, We Could Vaccinate Everyone on Earth
A one-time, 99 percent tax on the profits made by the super rich during the Covid crisis could fund vaccines for the globe and help millions of struggling workers.
Jake Johnson
Rural America
Tribal Court Case Against Line 3 Pipeline Is First to Invoke “Rights of Nature”
The suit by the White Earth Band of Ojibwe says Enbridge's pipeline would violate the rights of wild rice, which the tribe enshrined in law in 2018.
Alex Brown
"We Have To Change the Rules": What AIDS Activists Can Teach Us About the Covid Pandemic
A conversation with current and former ACT UP activists.
Ria Modak
The Infrastructure and Budget Bills Are a Watershed in U.S. Economic Doctrine
Deficit demagogy has (finally) become a fringe position in American politics—just look at the massive bills moving through Congress.
Max B. Sawicky
This Obscure Financial Tool Could Help Global South Countries That Are Drowning in the Pandemic
Here's why some of the IMF's biggest critics are calling on it to issue "special drawing rights."
Sarah Lazare
Democratic Leaders Are Finger-Wagging Over the IPCC Report. They Should Look To Themselves.
If Democrats really heeded the warning of the IPCC report, they'd end the fossil fuel industry.
Sarah Lazare
The Political Magic of the Democrats’ Infrastructure Plan
Biden and the Democrats have put forward proposals that would finally invest in public services that help humans flourish.
Rick Perlstein
Rural America
Climate Change and Privatization Could End the Public Beach
Sea-level rise on one side and private development on the other threaten to squeeze beaches, and public access to them, out of existence.
Thomas Ankersen
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