December 2022 Volume 46, Issue 11

December 2022
Inflation Misinformation
Rick Perlstein
Democrats Must Invest in Young People If They Want to Win
Varshini Prakash
How the Democrats Won and Lost the 2022 Midterms
Maurice Mitchell
The Rural Vote Is Again in Play
George Goehl
Cover Story
When Cops Tell You Who They Are, Listen
Johnny Damm
The Necessary Refuge of Third Places
In These Times Editors
Elites Are Clueless, and so on
In These Times Editors

The Necessary Refuge of Third Places
Our public meeting spaces have been disappearing. It’s time to reclaim them.
In These Times Editors

Elites Are Clueless, and so on
Kurt Vonnegut's words live on.
In These Times Editors

When Cops Tell You Who They Are, Listen
A cartoonist illustrates police union leaders’ statements, in their own words.
Johnny Damm

Inflation Misinformation
Inflation myths only benefit the rich.
Rick Perlstein

Cover StoryInterview
Democrats Need To Be Even Better on Abortion To Win the “Blue Tsunami” They Need
An interview about the midterms with reproductive justice pioneer Loretta Ross.
Andrea Plaid

DispatchClimateRural America
Will Lithium Mining Turn California's Salton Sea into a Green Energy Sacrifice Zone?
Once a tourist destination, the Salton Sea faces ecological collapse, toxic dust storms—and maybe a lithium boom.
Paige Oamek

ViewpointCover Story
Democrats Must Invest in Young People If They Want to Win
The midterms proved the climate generation is a force to be reckoned with.
Varshini Prakash

ViewpointCover Story
How the Democrats Won and Lost the 2022 Midterms
What the surprising results mean for the electoral Left.
Maurice Mitchell

Biden’s Marijuana Reform Plan Is a Good Start. He Can’t Stop There.
The Biden administration has taken the first step to ending harsh and discriminatory laws around marijuana. But it’s a far cry from justice for all those impacted.
Jesse Mechanic