Jan/Feb 2023 Volume 47, Issue 01

Rural AmericaInvestigationGoodman Institute
In Montana, an Avalanche of Wealth Is Displacing Workers
The people who feed, clothe and clean up after the West’s rich newcomers can’t afford to live alongside them.
Joseph Bullington
Rural AmericaInvestigationGoodman InstituteEn Español
En Montana, Una Avalancha de Riqueza Está Desplazando a los Trabajadores
Los trabajadores que alimentan, visten y aseean para los ricos recién llegados a occidente de Montana no pueden darse el lujo de vivir cerca de sus trabajos.
Joseph Bullington
We Should Be Able to Fix Our Stuff Ourselves
From iPhones to John Deere equipment, corporations shouldn’t be holding needed repairs hostage.
In These Times Editors
The Right Will Seize on Anti-Semitism. We Can't Give Them the Chance.
The hatred of Jews is a potent political tool.
Naomi Klein
Fighting Anti-Abortion Extremists — And The Boss
Workers fighting to unionize and protect reproductive rights face the threat of retaliation.
Stephen Franklin
Cover Story
How to Avoid Nuclear Stand-Offs That Threaten the Entire World
Frida Berrigan on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the fight for nuclear abolition.
Frida Berrigan
Off the Pole, Onto the Picket Line: Why North Hollywood Strippers Are Unionizing
After nine months on strike, California strippers are poised to make Star Garden the country’s only unionized strip club
Emily Janakiram
What Does Collectivist Art Look Like?
In 2022, collectives from the Global South took over the world’s most prestigious art show, and the backlash was swift.
Panthea Lee
Crypto Predators Wage Class War with a Smile
The cryptocurrency bubble reveals the emperor’s new grift.
Hamilton Nolan

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