The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Welcome to Planet A-Hole
In case being a 7th-grade girl wasn't traumatic enough, now there's a '12-year-old sluts' Facebook page.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
California Walmart Store Workers Go Out on Historic Strike
David Moberg
9356 Lessons from the Presidential Debate
Bhaskar Sunkara
Appeals Court OKs Union Election for 10,000 American Airlines Workers
Mike Elk
Obama: Forever Zung
Three (unsurprising) surprises from his first-debate zinging.
Theo Anderson
Express Yourself, But Vote
This year's Democratic ticket may not be perfect, but, like life, it is much better than the alternative.
Joel Bleifuss
Live Blogging the Debate
Bhaskar Sunkara
Correlation: Still Not Causation
Lindsay Beyerstein
PTSD Counselors Forced To Attend Anti-Union Meetings on Troubled Army Base
Mike Elk
Teachers in Chicago Suburbs Go On Strike
Eric Murphy
Pre-Debate Analysis: The Mad Science of U.S. Presidential Campaigns
Behind Obama and Romney's every blink, there are countless calculations.
Steven Hill
Republicans Reject Unions ... But Respect Union Refs?
Unbelievably, Republicans gave NFL union referees a little respect. Too bad it doesn't extend to other unions.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Workers and Activists Look Ahead after Gov. Brown Vetoes Pro-Immigrant Bills
Michelle Chen
In Defense of the Baby Boomers
Twentysomethings are indeed getting screwed, but not by an entire, somehow monolithic generation of selfish, greedy, resource-guzzling hogs.
Susan J. Douglas
Greek Leaders Ratchet Up Austerity, Sparking Protests
Amy Armstrong
European-Style Union Busting Provokes U.S., Dutch Workers
Bruce Vail
Lessons From Essen: What the U.S. Rust Belt Can Learn From Germany
Kari Lydersen
“The Dark Side of Thomas Jefferson”
Lindsay Beyerstein
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