The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

South Korea’s Boom Leaves Workers in the Dust
Michelle Chen
Paid Leave Supporters Charge Subversion of Democracy in Florida Ruling
Josh Eidelson
What Afghan Women Want
In Afghanistan's harsh rural regions, the West's legacy is merely more scars.
Anna Badkhen
Ryan Shrugged
Republican vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan can't shake his Randian roots.
Chris Lehmann
Splintering the 99%
Romney and Ryan descend to race-baiting.
Louis Nayman
Man Leaps Into Tiger Pit At Bronx Zoo
Lindsay Beyerstein
New Report Reveals the Filth of Chicago’s Car Wash Industry
Ian Lopez
This Machine Kills Fascists, Doesn’t Pay Musicians
Folk artist Amanda Palmer raised more than $1 million on Kickstarter, then tried to get musicians to 'volunteer' at her shows. This is a problem.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Australia Seeks to ‘Manage’ the Poor While Making Them Poorer
Michelle Chen
Tears of Gaza
A new documentary explores the Gaza War from the point of view of children.
Michael Atkinson
Drug Dealers Protecting Their Turf
Alcohol peddlers are fighting marijuana reform to keep out the competition.
David Sirota
After Quebec Elections, Red Squares Rise Again
Rebecca Burns
Did Romney Don Brownface for Univision Interview?
Nyki Salinas-Duda
Poverty is Up; So is the Wealth of the .000001%
Eric Murphy
The Arizonification of America?
Author Jeff Biggers on whether Arizona--with its widening racial schisms--is a rogue state or a bellwether.
Michelle Chen
Wal-Mart Holds Secretive ‘Workerwashing’ Meeting in DC with Labor Advocates
Mike Elk
Lonmin Mine Strike Ends with Pay Raise
Jacob Marshall
British MP Joins Romney in Telling Poor to Try Harder
Nyki Salinas-Duda
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