The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

The Utopic, Love-Centered, “Liberation Oasis” on Chicago’s South Side
Damon Williams, a co-founder of the #LetUsBreathe Collective, talks radical space-building.
Bettina Johnson
A mural stands in memoriam outside the Cup Foods convenience store in Minneapolis near where George Floyd was murdered by police May 25, 2020. The area is now known as George Floyd Square.
No, Minneapolis Did Not Defund the Police. But We’re Not Done Trying.
We understand that abolition is the long game. We’re in it for as long as it takes.
Kandace Montgomery and Miski Noor
What Radical Black Women Can Teach Us All About Movement-Building
Three historians lift up Black women journalists, organizers and activists who were critical to Black freedom movements but often erased from history.
Keisha N. Blain, Premilla Nadasen and Robyn C. Spencer
Voter Suppression Is White Supremacy. It Must Be Stopped.
In recent years, down-ballot wins across the country have legalized marijuana, overturned Jim Crow-era election law, and hiked minimum wages. The GOP’s campaign to suppress the Black vote threatens wins like these.
Kayla Reed
Angela Harrelson, George Floyd’s aunt, speaks alongside family members at George Floyd Square on May 25, the anniversary of the day her nephew was murdered by police. Other members of Floyd’s family spent the day in Washington, D.C., meeting with President Joe Biden about the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Demonstrators across the country marked the day with rallies, memorials and continued calls to fight racial injustice.
The Future of the Movement for Black Lives
Urban rebellions blossomed into mass mobilization upon George Floyd's death. Now what?
M Adams
Letter From the Year 2071
A vision of where the Black freedom movement could take us.
Barbara Ransby
Deeply Rooted
Naimah Thomas
How the Potency of Social Wages Can Beat Back Neoliberalism
At the core of President Biden’s American Families Plan is an understanding that workers are paid too little in market wages and that government has a responsibility to change that.
Jack Metzgar
Andrew Cuomo Is Just Another Boss For John Samuelsen to Fight
The Transport Workers Union president discusses turning against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, wrestling the gig economy and why he hates the Twittersphere.
Hamilton Nolan
We Have a Jobs Crisis and an Environmental Crisis. The Answer to Both Is a Civilian Climate Corps.
From Bernie Sanders and AOC to the Sunrise Movement, progressives are working to establish an updated version of a New Deal program to meet the challenges of economic and climate upheaval. Its time has come.
Jeremy Mohler
Rural America
The Unopen Range: How Fences Hurt Wild Animals
In the Western United States alone, 620,000 miles of fence carve up the land. These barriers threaten the migrations of pronghorn, mule deer and other species.
Tara Lohan
Landlords Are Going to Take Away All Your Wage Gains
This is what happens when you treat housing as just another market.
Hamilton Nolan
Striking Alabama Miners Are Done Playing Nice
Hundreds of UMWA miners remain on the picket line at the Warrior Met Coal mine.
No Justice, No Italian Beef: Workers at Portillo’s Food Chain Walk Out on Strike
A group of non-unionized workers at the Chicago-based chain staged a week-long walk out, part of a growing wave of strikes in the area.
Jeff Schuhrke
The Uniquely Dangerous Work of Massage Therapy During a Pandemic
A massage therapist speaks out about the gross and unfair treatment she was forced to endure.
Maximillian Alvarez
A Wisconsin Hog Farm Would Produce 9.4 Million Gallons of Manure a Year. Nearby Residents Live in Fear.
Crawford County is up against Roth Feeder Pig II, which would be the largest hog CAFO in the state and could permanently pollute local aquifers.
Hannah Faris
U.S. Media Outlets Are Still Banging the Drums for the Afghanistan War
Major press outlets are trying to goad Biden into staying in Afghanistan.
Sarah Lazare
Rural America
Yellowstone Is Losing Its Snow, with Repercussions for Everyone Downstream
A climate assessment found that snowfall is declining in Greater Yellowstone — and likely to keep declining. The problems trickle down to impact everyone from trout to grizzly bears to people.
Bryan Shuman
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