The Wisconsin Idea

Biden's Invisible Border Wall
The Biden administration is expanding surveillance along the Southern border, pushing migrants into harm’s way.
Maurizio Guerrero
Is Gerrymandering Forever?
Gerrymandering guarantees undemocratic elections. Activists in Wisconsin are organizing to win an uphill battle for a fairer process.
Katjusa Cisar
We Are Zoomers and We Want the PRO Act
Gen Z and Millennials are facing a bleak economic future. The answer is to massively expand union membership and democratize workplaces.
James Coleman and Nick Gonzalez
Social Work Students Decry SSA’s New Name After Crown Family Donation
When the military-industrial complex meets social work.
Maryum Elnasseh
How Rich Countries Can End Vaccine Apartheid
Unlike world leaders, activists saw the moral crisis coming since the start of the pandemic and quickly came up with a number of actionable plans to create equitable access to life-saving vaccines.
Natasha Hakimi Zapata
In Wisconsin, an Overzealous Hunt Decimated the Local Wolf Population
A new report shows legal and illegal killings wiped out as much as a third of the state’s gray wolf population in 2021.
Christina Lieffring and Jonathon Sadowski
"How Many More Have to Die?" Protesters March Against Vaccine Apartheid
Campaigners are targeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel—and the pharmaceutical companies she is protecting.
Indigo Olivier
The For the People Act Isn’t Dead
Don’t believe the pundits—there’s a growing grassroots movement to save American democracy and pass sweeping voting rights reform.
Mahnoor Imran and Adam Eichen
Striking Frito Lay Workers Say They Deserve More Than Crumbs
Worker Cheri Renfro speaks out from Topeka, Kansas, where Frito Lay workers have been on strike since July 5.
Maximillian Alvarez
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