The Wisconsin Idea

What Biden’s Housing Pick Says About How He’ll Approach the Crisis
By nominating Rep. Marcia Fudge, Biden is indicating he’ll treat HUD as an afterthought. That’s the opposite of what we need right now.
Maurice BP-Weeks, Jeremie Greer and Tara Raghuveer
Warehouse Workers Are on the Front Lines of the Covid Crisis. They're Worried They'll Be Passed Over for the Vaccine.
Low-wage warehouse workers, many of whom are temporary, are demanding access to the vaccine.
Kari Lydersen
New York City Drivers Cooperative Aims to Smash Uber’s Exploitative Model
The city's first worker-owned ridesharing app gets ready to take on the big boys.
Hamilton Nolan
Rural America
‘Buy It or Else’: How Monsanto and BASF Forced a Toxic Weed Killer on Farmers
Internal records show the companies knew crop damage from their weed killer would be extensive. They sold it anyway.
Johnathan Hettinger
Activists Demand Rich Countries Suspend Patent Laws and Share Vaccines Freely
As rich countries hoard vaccine stocks, activists are calling for a just global distribution.
Hadas Thier
Americans Are Drowning in Debt. Let’s Forgive All of It.
In the age of Covid-19, it’s time to end our debt epidemic once and for all.
Scott Remer
Biden’s Defense Secretary Pick Shows the Revolving Door for Military Contractors Remains
Industry ties were simply taken for granted in Biden’s defense secretary sweepstakes.
Sarah Lazare
Biden's HHS Pick Will Be In a Position to Finally Take On the Healthcare Industry
Xavier Becerra has been a longtime supporter of Medicare for All and has shown willingness to confront pharmaceutical monopolies. There’s a lot he could do to make U.S. healthcare more progressive.
Natalie Shure
With Gigs Canceled and No Relief, Musicians Form a Nationwide Union
This is what solidarity sounds like.
Liz Pelly
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