The Wisconsin Idea

Rural America
Recognition of Native Treaty Rights Could Reshape the Environmental Landscape
The U.S. has largely ignored the nearly 400 treaties signed with tribal nations, but that may be starting to change. And some think that could prevent, or even reverse, environmental degradation.
Alex Brown
Students at the Most Expensive University in America Are Going on Tuition Strike
With an $11 billion endowment, Columbia University has been fleecing students during the pandemic. Now students are fighting back.
Indigo Olivier
After Sweeping Statewide Races, DSA Aims to Put a Socialist Caucus on New York’s City Council
Through democratic, grassroots-powered campaigns and an army of volunteers, socialists are flexing their muscle to bring a left-wing policy agenda to New York City.
Annie Levin
The Violent Story of American Whiteness
Three writers dive into the depths of white supremacy in America, from alt-right dating sites to the neo-Nazi movement to protect Confederate monuments.
Kim Kelly
Congress Is Deadlocked on Covid Relief But Came Together to Fund the Pentagon for $740 Billion
There is always money for war.
Sarah Lazare
Shemoi Edwards
InvestigationGoodman Institute
Immigrants Detained by ICE Say They Were Thrown in Solitary for Requesting Covid-19 Tests
During an outbreak at Etowah County Detention Center, immigrants say solitary confinement was also used as medical isolation, against ICE guidelines.
Clarissa Donnelly-DeRoven
“This Strike Is a Fight for Our Lives”: Healthcare Workers Are Walking Off the Job to Demand Pandemic Protections
In Chicago and across the country, a wave of strikes by nursing home aides and other healthcare workers is showing that collective action is necessary for survival.
Jeff Schuhrke
Treating the Traumas of Capitalism: Inside the Life of a Social Worker
A conversation with Michele Manco, a clinical social worker in the Bronx.
Maximillian Alvarez
12 Reasons Why Sex Ed Reform Cannot Wait
Less than half of U.S. schools offer sex education that is medically accurate.
Ria Bhagwat
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