The Wisconsin Idea

LaborRural America
Meatpacking Workers Say Attendance Policies Force Them to Work With Covid-19 Symptoms
As the pandemic rages, punitive attendance policies at corporate meat plants coerce sick workers into showing up, according to activists, experts and the workers themselves.
Heather Schlitz
With Biden in Power, Beware the Neoliberal Backlash
Grassroots organizers and Black voters led Biden to victory. Our concerns and demands must be taken seriously.
Barbara Ransby
One Third of Biden's Pentagon Transition Team Hails From Organizations Financed by the Weapons Industry
The president-elect is drawing from hawkish think tanks funded by arms companies.
Sarah Lazare
Bernie Sanders Is Actively Running for Labor Secretary
Coy before the election, the Vermont Senator is now rallying support to join the Biden administration cabinet
Hamilton Nolan
Power Comes From Class War, Not Biden
The Left needs workers more than it needs the Democratic Party.
Hamilton Nolan
Keep Rahm Emanuel As Far Away As Possible From the Biden Administration
Neoliberal architect Rahm Emanuel is reportedly being considered for a top spot in Biden’s cabinet. That idea needs to be immediately thrown in the trash.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
This Democrat Is Vying for a Powerful Foreign Affairs Role. His Ties To Right-Wing Groups in Colombia Could Haunt Him.
Rep. Gregory Meeks worked with Colombian politicians tied to right-wing paramilitaries to help push for a corporate-friendly "free trade" deal.
Sarah Lazare and Maurizio Guerrero
It’s Time for the Democrats to Deliver for Workers. Fighting for the PRO Act Is the First Step.
With Joe Biden winning the presidency, the Democratic Party needs to come through for working people by passing legislation to dramatically expand labor rights across the United States.
Jim Williams
Joe Biden Said He's Against the Yemen War. He Needs To End It on Day One.
Here's what Biden can do to halt all U.S. assistance to the onslaught he helped start.
Sarah Lazare
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