The Wisconsin Idea

Shahid Buttar Wants to Take Back San Francisco For the Left
The underdog candidate running against Nancy Pelosi says the House Speaker is rich, entitled and out of touch.
Hamilton Nolan
How to Boost Unions’ Power? Sectoral Bargaining.
Industry-wide bargaining could decrease inequality and improve livelihoods for unionized workers.
In These Times Editors
How Can We Rebuild Working-Class Politics? Let’s Go to “Strike School.”
In an interview, longtime organizer Jane McAlevey explains how unions and the Left across the globe have the power to defeat the billionaires—if we engage in concerted, collective action.
Eric Blanc
How Bipartisan Anti-China Rhetoric Is Being Used to Increase U.S. Military Spending
Republicans and Democrats are using the “menace” of China to justify pouring billions into the Pentagon's budget.
Sarah Lazare
FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
The Supreme Court Said Their Sentencing Was Unconstitutional. But They’re Still Behind Bars.
Despite SCOTUS rulings against life without parole sentences for juveniles, most who received that sentence remain incarcerated.
Katie Rose Quandt
The Disenfranchised Voters No One Is Talking About: Residents of U.S. Colonies
Hundreds of thousands in Guam and across the U.S. territories will be unable to cast a ballot this November. It’s a stark reminder of America’s brutal colonial legacy.
Tiara R. Na'puti
ClimateInvestigationGoodman Institute
Exxon Spends Millions on Facebook To Keep the Fossil Fuel Industry Alive
Aided by a right-wing political consulting firm, the company is rallying supporters to fight for oil and gas interests at every level of government.
Christine MacDonald
Politicians Play Chicken With Economic Relief While Americans Starve
Republicans and Democrats are prioritizing their own political fortunes over the wellbeing of millions.
Hadas Thier
13 Ways the Vote Is Being Suppressed Ahead of the Election
Half of American voters expect to have difficulty casting a ballot this November.
Janea Wilson
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