The Wisconsin Idea

The Food Industry’s Next Covid-19 Victims: Migrant Farmworkers
Outbreaks have begun at farms around the country, thanks in large part to crowded employer-provided housing.
Michelle Fawcett and Arun Gupta
Rural America
We Don’t Farm Because It’s Trendy: For Black Folks, Growing Food Has Long Been a Form of Resistance
Ashley Gripper
Get Ready for Janus 2.0, Which Could Devastate Labor More Than the First
Moshe Z. Marvit
There’s a Simple Solution to the Unemployment Crisis: Offer Everyone a Job
Rachel M. Cohen
Another Political Revolution in New York? Insurgent Jamaal Bowman Now Has Bernie and AOC on His Side
Bowman, a progressive insurgent, is gaining steam in his primary challenge to Democratic incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel. And now he has both Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders behind him.
Nick Vachon
Labor Must Be Anti-Fascist and Anti-Racist
A conversation with Kooper Caraway, President of the Sioux Falls AFL-CIO and Labor Rep for AFSCME Council 65.
Maximillian Alvarez
Tear Gas and Pepper Spray Can Be Deadly, But the U.S. Won’t Regulate Police Use
Despite widespread use, chemical agents sold for police purposes aren't monitored by any federal agency.
Terry J. Allen
Texas Covid-19 Massacre
In the face of coronavirus, the nation's largest prison system refused to release prisoners or take recommended health precautions.
Marie Gottschalk
“We Actually Cannot Reform This Department”: A Minneapolis Councilor on the Need to Disband Police
In an interview, Minneapolis Council Member Steve Fletcher explains why his city is moving to dismantle its police department—and what lessons other cities can take.
Michael Arria
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