The Wisconsin Idea

The National Guard Crushes Protests Just Like the Military Does
Democratic mayors and governors who oppose Trump's threat to send in the military should take their own advice and end National Guard deployments.
Sarah Lazare
In Big Cities, It’s Democrats Who Have Poured Money Into Policing
Democratic mayors of Los Angeles, New York and Minneapolis have treated bloated police budgets as sacrosanct.
Sonali Kolhatkar / Independent Media Institute
Don’t Shame Protesters and Park-Goers Over Covid-19 Spreading—Shame Corporations and the State
While demonstrators have been blamed for potentially endangering the public, the real danger lies elsewhere.
Natalie Shure
In Minneapolis, Cops Were Kicked Out of Schools. Cities in 7 Other States Could Soon Follow Suit.
Activists around the country are rallying for #PoliceFreeSchools.
Indigo Olivier
Trump’s Answer to Structural Racism? Police State Fascism.
With protests against police violence spreading like wildfire, Trump is responding with authoritarianism—and an ever more violent crackdown.
Christopher D. Cook
Tear Gas Is Banned in International Warfare––Why Are Police Using It On U.S. Civilians?
Police say they're using tear gas to clear crowds, but the chemical agent's effects can cause long-term physical damage.
Janea Wilson
One Weird Trick to Slash Your City’s Police Budget Right Now
Los Angeles just announced the city is massively cutting its police budget. There has literally never been an easier—or better—time for other cities to follow suit.
Hamilton Nolan
The “Outside Agitator” Is a Myth Used to Weaken Protest Movements
Whenever mass protests of any kind kick off, defenders of the status quo immediately accuse protesters as being duped by “outside agitators.” Don’t fall for it.
Glenn Houlihan
Democratic Leaders’ Shamefully Tepid Response to Trump’s Threat of Military Crackdown on Protests
As Trump escalates his war on Black people, Democratic leadership offers mealy-mouthed platitudes.
Sarah Lazare and Adam Johnson
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