The Wisconsin Idea

CultureThe Socialism Issue
Capitalism Is Not “The One”
An exclusive excerpt from Malaika Jabali's new book, It’s Not You, It’s Capitalism, a guide to socialism for budding anti-capitalists.
Malaika Jabali

The Democratic Party Has an Israel Problem. These Progressives Are Trying to Solve It.
As the brutal attacks on Gaza continue, cracks are beginning to show in the Democratic Party’s unequivocal fealty to Israel.
Daphna Thier

Starbucks Is Exploiting the Violence in Gaza and Israel to Attack Its Union
The president of Workers United writes that Starbucks is endangering its own employees and appears to even endorse a boycott of its own stores. “I am afraid,” said one worker. “My mom doesn’t want me to go to work.”
Lynne Fox

The Mounting Onslaught of Censorship and Suppression
"A failure to stop this new McCarthyism would be to surrender to the forces of reaction that tragically are carrying the day."
Dylan Saba

Unions and Workers Are Increasingly Demanding a Cease-Fire and an End to Gaza Siege
“The rising escalation of war and arms sales doesn't serve the interests of workers anywhere.”
Luis Feliz Leon and Alexandra Bradbury

How the U.S. Drove Venezuelans North
A relentless history of U.S. imperialism and anti-socialism brought thousands of migrants to the floors of Chicago police stations.
Lilian Jiménez

Striking Autoworkers Have Made Major Strides. They’re Not Done Yet.
Lisa Xu and Chris Budnick on the power of worker organizing—and the UAW’s newfound militance.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh

Mass Protest Hasn’t Won the Change We Need. What Comes Next?
Reporter Vincent Bevins on his new book, If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and The Missing Revolution.
Maximillian Alvarez

God Is on the Side of Autoworkers
The UAW’s fight is a righteous one and President Shawn Fain knows that “with faith the size of even a mustard seed, people can move a mountain.”
William J. Barber II