The Wisconsin Idea

Brandon Johnson Won the Race for Chicago’s Mayor By Loving and Fighting for the City
Johnson defeated a conservative opponent in Paul Vallas and will take office as a strong supporter of progressive politics and workers’ rights.
Kari Lydersen
None of This Garbage Is Important
Let's not spend the next two years gleefully hypnotizing ourselves, again.
Hamilton Nolan
Policing Still Won't Save Chicago
The promise to add more police is a clarion call for the total occupation of poor neighborhoods.
Anthony Ehlers
Race and Uncertainty as Chicago’s Voters Head to the Polls
Salim Muwakkil
Meet the Activist Coalition That Outlawed Caste Discrimination in Seattle
“This is a recognition of over 2,000 years of oppression."
Saurav Sarkar
The Hunger Cliff Shows That the GOP Is Pro-Poverty
Millions of people are losing essential food assistance because Republicans want to impose work requirements that benefit corporations—not families.
Jim Pugh
“He Sold Our Schools off to the Highest Bidder”
A look inside Paul Vallas' history of harming public education and a sampling of the shock doctrine politics, anti-union postures, neoliberal policies and budgetary schemes he brought to school districts around the country—and world—and the havoc they helped create.
David I. Backer and Jason Wozniak
Why a Veteran Education Reform Writer Thinks Chicagoans Should Be Worried About Paul Vallas
Schneider writes that "whenever I hear the name Paul Vallas, I immediately think of a man who likes to take earmarked funding and redirect it in shallow ways that produce the appearance of fiscal solutions."
Mercedes K. Schneider
What Unionized Starbucks Workers Think of Howard Schultz’ Testimony to Bernie Sanders
Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz was grilled over alleged union busting in front of a congressional committee this week. That's not something you normally see in Washington.
Saurav Sarkar
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