The Wisconsin Idea

ICE May Be Forced to Cease Inhumane Family Detention; Migrant Advocates Cheer Court Ruling
A California judge affirmed that it's illegal to detain children—and ordered their mothers released, too
Joseph Sorrentino

Rural America
How Can We Achieve Sustainability?: First We Have to Anticipate the Future
Fred Kirschenmann

Iowans Join 100,000 at Bernie Sanders House Parties Across the Country Last Night
Attendees at parties across Iowa say that Bernie is "the guy we need right now."
David Goodner
Should Prisoners Pay Medical Bills?
George Lavender

Apple Doesn’t Want You To Be Able To Fix Your iPhone—Here’s Why
The cure for planned Apple-escence
Kendra Pierre-Louis

Hundreds Take to the Streets Over Chicago Board of Education’s Decision to Further Slash CPS Funding
Crystal Stella Becerril

The Media’s Portrayal of the Iran Deal Implies U.S. Imperialism Is a Good Thing
U.S. media commentary on the accord portrays U.S. global military supremacy as natural and desirable.
Gregory Shupak

For New York Times, U.S. Labor Abuses At Home and Abroad Are a Thing of Decades Past
Dean Baker

After Threatening To Strike, NYC Airport Workers Win Union Agreement, Say They’ll Push for $15
Michael Arria