The Wisconsin Idea

Indiana University Health Nurse Who Wanted to Unionize Fired—Then Un-Fired
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

Bernie Sanders Speaks to 28,000 People in Portland, While Hillary Hosts $2,700-a-Head Fundraiser
The contrast between candidates could not be more stark.
Zaid Jilani, Alternet

The Union Behind the Biggest Campaign Against Walmart in History May Be Throwing in the Towel. Why?
With major cuts rumored, the future of the campaign against America's largest private employer is uncertain.
David Moberg

Yes, ‘Diary of a Teenage Girl’ Is Empowering. No, Having Sex with Your Stepdaughter Is Not Okay.
The film is rightly being cheered for showing a 15-year-old girl claiming sexual power. But the film—and its rave reviews—sometimes shy away from how rape culture and patriarchy can pervert that claim.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
California First State To Pay For Prisoner’s Sex Affirmation Surgery
George Lavender

The Bernie Debate: Would Sanders Advance Feminism and Racial Justice Better Than Clinton?
Feminists debate symbolism, socialism and racial politics in the presidential race
Kathleen Geier

Is Climate Change Causing Pre-traumatic Stress Disorder in Millennials?
Today's youth are coming of age in the age of extinction
Martin de Bourmont and Dayton Martindale

Rural America
Human Ego and the Grizzly Bear: Is the West Big Enough?
Dayton Martindale
Transgender Woman Who Took California to Court Over Cost of Surgery to be Paroled
George Lavender