The Wisconsin Idea

Israel’s Hostility Toward Iran Deal Is Not Really About a Nuclear Weapon
There is no place in Israeli geo-strategic thinking for a militarily and diplomatically powerful Iran—with or without the bomb.
Roy Isacowitz

Waiting for the Next Israeli Assault in Gaza
Before homes are even rebuilt in the ruins of the Gaza Strip, another war looms.
Max Blumenthal
“The Punishment Simply Does Not Fit The Crime”: President Obama on Criminal Justice Reform (VIDEO)
George Lavender

A Quiet Return to the Killing Fields of Indonesia
Joshua Oppenheimer's The Act of Killing focused on the perpetrators of genocide; in the sequel, the stage is shared by traumatized survivors.
Michael Atkinson

How Migrant Farmworkers Are Cross-Pollinating Strategies—And Winning
Sonia Singh

“Privatization is not the solution”: Michigan Activists Fight for Water Justice
A six-day march from Detroit to Flint by a coalition of community organizations recently protested issues of water justice facing Michigan residents.
Ashley Bohrer

Calm Down: SCOTUS’s ‘Friedrichs’ Case Won’t Mean the End of the American Labor Movement
David Moberg

“We Need to Stop Being Nice”: IL Labor, Community Activists Push Progressive Budget Crisis Solutions
Simon Swartzman

The Stanford Prison Experiment Actually Shows We Are Not All Born Potential Tyrants
The film adaptation of the Stanford prison experiment explores little of its ambiguity.
Eileen Jones