The Wisconsin Idea

The One Thing Worse Than Big Dairy’s Abuse of Cows? Its Abuse of Workers.
While the dairy industry's cruel treatment of cows has been well documented, workers face vile and often dangerous conditions.
Joseph Sorrentino

‘Chipping Away At The System’: Maya Schenwar on Alternatives to Our ‘Justice’ System
George Lavender

Drug Shills Dispensing Pills
A psychiatrist questions Big Pharma's influence on her profession.
Jean Kim

Want Thanksgiving Off? Follow These Whole Foods Workers’ Example and Go On Strike
Amien Essif

Baltimore Teens Take Out the Trash
Youth battle a waste incinerator.
Bruce Vail

Reports from Inside First Look Media Suggest That Maybe Silicon Valley Shouldn’t Manage Journalists
Feverish speculation surrounds First Look's recent troubles. But perhaps the most obvious culprit is its reliance on truckloads of tech money.
Chris Lehmann

Under New Progressive Leadership, Teachers Union Fights “Teacher Jail”
Samantha Winslow

How to Avoid Being Shot by Police
Matt Bors

As New York City Considers Criminal Justice Reforms, Police Unions Stand in the Way
Ari Paul