The Wisconsin Idea

The Super Bowl Will Gross Half a Billion Dollars This Year, But the NFL Really Needs Your Free Labor
Aviana Willis
A Dollar Bill Is Not What You Think It Is
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Meet the High School Social Studies Teacher Taking On Chicago’s Right-Wing Democrats
Yana Kunichoff

Grave Digger: “You’ve Got to Uphold Some Type of Integrity”
Amien Essif

Obama’s Delay on Immigration: Shameful, But Savvy
Latinos won't tip the midterms. Anti-immigrant right-wingers might.
Achy Obejas

St. Louis University Occupation Ends, But Movement for Justice in Ferguson Continues
The spirit of Occupy Wall Street lived on in a weeklong campus occupation demanding justice for Michael Brown.
James Anderson

Amy Poehler’s Radical Niceness
Reading Poehler's new book Yes Please is like hanging out with a friend who believes you can do anything, and wants you to do much better.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle

House Democrats Call for an Investigation into Jimmy John’s Non-Compete Clauses
Will Craft

So the Battle Over Legalization Has Come Down to This: A Duel Between Weed and Booze
Drug reformers say marijuana is a far less harmful substance than alcohol—and are willing to go "hit for shot" to prove it.
David Sirota