The Wisconsin Idea

1,000 Nurses to Walk off the Job at U. of I. Hospital Tuesday (Update: Strike Averted)
Will Craft

The Black-Brown Alliance That’s Turning Kansas Blue
Why is Pat Roberts running for his life in the Kochs' home state? Ask community organizers.
Sam Ross-Brown

Prison Baseball: San Quentin’s World Series
George Lavender

Karen Lewis Has Already Redefined Chicago Politics
She's out of the race, but the movement continues to build.
James Thindwa

Texas Nurses Say They Lacked Proper Protocol, Equipment to Treat Ebola
Jordan McCurdy

Report: Charters Schools Aren’t Improving Student Achievement in Chicago
Kevin Solari

If You’re An Uber Driver, Don’t Tweet This Article. You Might Be Fired.
Marina Fang

Lessons for Today’s Social Movements from Gandhi’s Salt March
At the time of Mohandas Gandhi's salt satyagraha, he was accused of a major strategic blunder. But the action was actually hugely successful—and offers lessons for movements today.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler

Building Trades Chief Lauds Fracking Boom, Shrugs Off Environmental Concerns
Cole Stangler