The Wisconsin Idea

Chicago’s Next Mayor?
Karen Lewis may be the anti-Rahm that Chicago's looking for.
Joel Bleifuss
UIUC Revokes Palestinian-American Prof’s Job Offer
John Michael Davis

How to Get Listed on the Terror Watch List
Matt Bors
UPDATE: Alabama Court Strikes Down Abortion Clinic Restrictions
John Michael Davis
NYPD’s ‘Broken Windows’ Policy Disproportionately Targets Minorities
Kevin Solari
University President Cuts Salary To Raise Wages for Workers
William A. Hudson

6 Ways Wall Street Is Hosing Chicago Teachers
Matthew Cunningham-Cook
Deputy Speaker of Israeli Parliament Calls for Complete Eradication of Gaza
Ethan Corey

It’s Time To Send the GOP a Message
Republicans have proved once again that they're out of touch with what Americans want.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President