The Wisconsin Idea

Internet Privacy Concerns May Be Dividing the U.S. Government
The NSA whittles away at our Internet freedom; the State Department tries to bolster it. Who will win out?
David Sirota

Protests Mean Profit for Brazilian Weapons Manufacturer
As Brazilian anti-World Cup activists suffer, Condor Nonlethal Technologies is raking in the cash.
Anna Feigenbaum
Obama: U.S. to Send ‘Up to 300’ Military Advisers to Iraq
Joshua Rosenblat

Tesla’s Green Jobs Should Go to States with Green Laws
Governor Rick Perry wants Tesla to set up its new factory in Texas—but his environmental record doesn't reflect the company's mission.
Jim Meyer

The Children of the Border
Eric Garcia
At Uber, ‘The Other Dude in the Car’ Demands Some Respect
Ethan Corey
Patent Office Rules Against Football Team on Racist Name
Stephen Quillen
International Finance Org Urges America To Raise Minimum Wage, Already
Joshua Rosenblat

BREAKING: House To Push Back Against Military Action in Iraq
Members of Congress want to send a clear message to Obama: They won't stand for another war.
Cole Stangler