The Wisconsin Idea

Poll: Right-Wing Pro-Israel Lobbying Group AIPAC Losing Influence
Sarah Berlin

Undermining the Upper Peninsula
The Chippewa take a stand against the return of mines to Michigan.
John Collins

How Social Security Was Saved
Progressive groups and their allies in Congress win one for the people.
Cole Stangler

Amazon Warehouse Workers to Take Wage Suit to Supreme Court
Bruce Vail

Care Before Profit? Nurses Get Radical in Fight to Save Brooklyn Hospitals
Sarah Jaffe

Hannibal’s Feminist Take on Horror
The NBC drama proves that you can stamp out sexism and still produce scares.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Fracking May Have Induced Ohio Earthquakes
Alex Wolff

Is Obama’s Budget Really ‘Dead on Arrival’?
Republicans like Darrell Issa don't want to engage in debate, they want to stifle it.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

The Great Bill of Rights Debate
Matt Bors