The Wisconsin Idea
Nigeria Outlaws Gay Relationships
Danayit Musse
The Regulation Failures Behind West Virginia’s Water Crisis
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Walmart Warehouse Workers Forced to Labor in Sub-Zero Temps
Danayit Musse
December Jobs Numbers Manage to Be Even Worse Than They Look
Andrew Mortazavi

American Hustle Has Nothing To Say (And That’s Okay)
David O. Russell is more about entertainment than statement, but his films still matter.
Michael Atkinson

Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 2: Downton’s Rape Fail
The lightweight show takes on a heavy issue, and not well.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Supreme Court Won’t Renew Arizona’s 20-Week Abortion Ban
Danayit Musse

How the Rich Ruin the Environment
The solution? Curb overconsumption and overwork.
Alyssa Battistoni

Are Cancer Tweets The Same As Funeral Selfies?
Lindsay Beyerstein