
Smearing Israel’s Critics
Former DePaul professor Finkelstein joins a growing list of academics censored for criticizing the Holy Land's foreign policy
Salim Muwakkil
Climate Change Refugees
As large areas of the planet become unsuitable for human life, the sad stream of climate refugees will become a torrent
Terry J. Allen
Offsets Aren’t Enough
Two environmental groups cave in to Big Coal in Texas.
Megan Tady
How Does Laura Bush Sleep at Night?
The worst First Lady in recent memory has had no consistent program or agenda to changes things for the better, while at the same time providing PR cover for her husband
Susan J. Douglas
Mining Roves Katrina Legacy
Rove was the man President Bush quietly put in charge of overseeing the administration's response plan, though he had no expertise in homeland security or disaster relief
Amanda Terkel
The Counterproductive War on Gangs
The conclusion of the report, "Gang Wars: The Failure of Enforcement Tactics and the Need for Effective Public Safety Strategies," persuasively argues that punitive policies of policing that specifically target gangs increase rather than decrease gang violence
Salim Muwakkil
The Crafting of Obama
When Barack Obama launched his presidential bid, he decided to build a staircase, not merely a platform, thereby differing with most African-American presidential aspirants
Laura S. Washington
Gitmo’s Last Honest Man
Abraham found that "evidence" was generally gathered by inexperienced staff with little legal or intelligence training, and he got no assurance that he was given access to all available evidence on a detainee
H. Candace Gorman
Blogs Up, Hacks Down
The appearance of seven Democratic presidential contenders at the YearlyKos convention demonstrated that the Kossacks and fellow A-listers--along with what the Liberal Blog Advertising Network calls their 3 million daily readers--are now ensconced as political players
Jessica Clark
Justice Denied
One man stands between Flozelle Woodmore and the "free" world--California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Silja J.A. Talvi
The Bush Administration’s New Target: Uninsured Kids
Fighting against SCHIP is Bush's first salvo in the battle for major health care reform
Art Levine
The Squandering of Obama
Political masterminds have transformed the candidate from a political visionary into an electoral product like every other presidential aspirant
Salim Muwakkil
Bloomberg Could Tie Centrists in Knots
If the New York mayor runs, he will stymie the ability of the Democratic nominee to play both sides of the fence on issues like guns, gay rights, immigration and choice
Laura S. Washington
Get Me Out of Gitmo
Most detainees at Guantánamo are willing and able to go home, but Bush's spin continues to dizzy our corporate media
H. Candace Gorman
Death from Above
For the Iraqi people, the surge in U.S. troops has meant more bombs dropping from the sky and a surge in deaths
Brian Cook
Is Cheney Evil or Just a Weasel?
By likening Dick to He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, we confirm the bully's power rather than undermine it
Susan J. Douglas
Sicko’s Critics and the Upside of Hitler
Critics of the movie are hooked on pharmaceutical company payouts and part of a system that is rotten to the marrow and should be put out of its misery
Terry J. Allen
God—And Progressives—Save This Honorable Court!
The Supreme Court's recent decisions further underscore the dire need to beat back the right's threats to basic fairness.
Hans Johnson
Rocking Out To Our Demise
It'll take more than outdoor concerts to stop global warming
Megan Tady
Entrapping Inflated Threats
Terrorist "plots" exposed by the administration have been notable for their lack of credible threat and the whiff of political opportunism
Salim Muwakkil
Can Habeas Corpus Be Restored?
Congressional Dems are finding it hard to do
Brian Beutler, The Media Consortium
Food Poisoning for Thought
Food regulators in both China and the United States have a financial or career stake in the profitability of the industries they are supposed to oversee
Terry J. Allen
A GLBT Center of Their Own
A combination of public and private funds, Chicago's new GLBT community center enjoys broad political support and is the first of its kind in the country
Laura S. Washington
The Enduring Lies of Ronald Reagan
Though the GOP continues to canonize the fortieth president, we can't forget his legacy as a liar and a foreign policy flop
Susan J. Douglas
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